
Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
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Black Currant, Fruity, Thick
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Loose Leaf, Sachet
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Edit tea info Last updated by MissB
Average preparation
Boiling 1 min, 45 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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8 Tasting Notes View all

From Harrods

Smooth and aromatic with a deep ripe fruit aroma.

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8 Tasting Notes

987 tasting notes

The taste is somewhat mild, but the smell of this is SUPER jammy. I bet this would taste amazing with some agave nectar added.

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2291 tasting notes

Yum. Had my last bit of this yesterday and it was delicious.

That is all I have. So tired. Lunch time nap???

Christina / BooksandTea

I have some of this in my desk at work. Maybe I’ll try it tomorrow.


Blackcurrant can smell kinda weird, but I do love the fruit. I remember when Sun Rype had blackcurrant juice boxes. :D I loved them sooooo much.

Christina / BooksandTea

When I’ve smelled Blackcurrant products before, it reminds me of cough syrup. Hope that won’t be the case here.


:) That’s not what they smell like to me. Probably best if I don’t describe it!

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6119 tasting notes


Another teabag sample from MissB – thanks! I’ve tended to like blackcurrant teas in the past, however I’ve mostly had versions that also have cream flavouring, which this one did not. Sadly, I noticed that and therefore wasn’t a huge fan – although the flavour was definitely strongly blackcurrant, I found it too medicinal (it’s not the flavouring, per se, it’s that blackcurrants taste medicinal). If you enjoy the flavour, however, this is probably a pretty good bagged version, and I would certainly drink it again if I had the opportunity (but I think I’d add some milk and sugar to see how that worked out).

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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16936 tasting notes

Sipdown (148)!

I feel like I’m probably going to be drinking a lot of bagged teas on the way to work for a little while; today I got a box of samples from Sil and MissB – 35 new teas to be specific, many of which were bagged. I’m super excited to get to explore them all; they all, yes even the bagged tea, seem quite interesting!

When I realized just how much bagged tea I had, though, I decided to bring the majority of my older and neglected bagged teas in to work – I know that a lot of the staff will appreciate having some tea to drink on break; currently we’ve just got coffee in our staff room and the tea we sell at the Coffee Bar is gross Lipton. Plus, it’s good for me too because easier sipdowns!

This was the first of MissB’s bagged tea samples that I decided to try; it seemed like the most unique of the samples – and I definitely like black currants!

Dry, this doesn’t smell like anything. However, once the boiling water hit the tea bag all I could smell was black currants; almost jammy, but not quite sweet enough to be a jam. I kept my steep time pretty short; I know that black currant has a tendency to turn medicinal very, very quickly and that’s definitely not what I wanted. The flavour was spot on for black currants; and thankfully didn’t taste medicinal at all to me. It was a very monotone flavour; but I didn’t really expect it to be otherwise anyway nor was there anything that indicated it would be otherwise.

It definitely didn’t have a lot natural sweetness; just a tiny bit of agave probably would’ve made it pop a little more. Still, this was really enjoyable and different, and I really liked it! I wonder if there are any Canadian retailers that sell this brand? I’ve never seen or even heard about it until today…

Flavors: Black Currant


harrods is a famous department store :)

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1764 tasting notes

Swooning for tea here! yep. call me a groupie.
I love black currant tea. And this one is no exception. It’s sweet and berry like with just a hint of tart and works well with the base black.
I didn’t add any sugar at all, and it was almost too sweet. I would have loved a smidge more tartness.
Now all of that aside, I’m starting to understand the Harrod’s line more. There is a background note I can’t quite identify that I remember from the chocolate Harrod’s tea. Definitely a “black tea” note, something almost hinting at bitterness but more in the way it hits the palate, as I don’t taste any bitter at all. I keep wanting to say its even a tad earthy but that doesn’t make any sense at all. Ah well, if I ever come across more I’ll be sure to play around with it!
So yum!! Thanks MissB!


i tried a blackcurrant tea before, didden’t like it


To each their own right? Something for everyone :)

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3294 tasting notes

This is my first sipdown from my newest Sil bag, enjoyed in the bubble bath. This tea traveled from MissB to Sil to me. It’s juicy & sweet (if you sweeten it, which I did). I planted 3 varieties of currants last spring, black, yellow, & pink. I’ve only ever had dried currants, & black currant flavored teas, so it should be interesting!


Pink currants!

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1501 tasting notes

No idea how I didn’t add this to the database when I originally grabbed it. Can’t seem to buy it on their website, and when I was in their store, it was only available as a bagged, boxed tea. With the Brits so fascinated by anything blackcurrant (I don’t get it), I thought it would be a decent addition to my fix. Had my bag the other day (pretty sure I sent off the rest to Sil to distribute), and it was… okay. Fruity, full bodied, nothing to write home about — although I guess with this review, I technically am writing home about it.

Flavors: Fruity, Thick

Boiling 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I love blackcurrant! :) I wish we had more available here. As it is, my mom gets us licorice-blackcurrant candies from an import store once a year and that’s pretty much it. I remember the Sun Rype blackcurrant juice boxes – my favourite. :)

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