I drank this yesterday, but had a super busy day and didn’t have time to write up any tasting notes. It was a weird sort of day, all in all.
I love this tea. After getting mostly a lime aroma from the dry leaf, I was really surprised by how much the tea itself smells like marshmallow. For something which just has a few ingredients, and none of them really things you can replicate with tea, the scent is dead on. I often get my brother to try teas and guess the flavour, and can sometimes persuade my mam to play along, though she’s generally less willing and way off base. This time, she took one sip and immediately said ‘marshmallow’ very confidently. I hadn’t tried it yet, and didn’t believe it would actually taste like marshmallow, so I accused her of looking at the packet, which she denied. I think I believe her too, because for one thing it really does somehow taste like marshmallow, and for another, when I did show her the label she was gleefully triumphant, and also confused about the lime, which she didn’t taste. My brother was less certain, but drank half my mug trying to figure out what the "familiar " flavour was so I’m going to say it was met with general approval from my family (he said he could taste the lime and eventually got marshmallow after sniffing it). My dad is very fussy with food and I’ve never even attempted to get him to try any of my teas.
After my disbelief at my mam’s reaction, I’m not sure why I was still surprised when I tried this and found it to taste like marshmallow, but I was. It’s incredible how such a generally mild flavour, which I wouldn’t be able to describe at the best of times, can be translated so perfectly into tea. It’s sweet and pillowy just as a marshmallow should be, and it’s followed by a sweet candy lime note which helps to prevent it from being too sweet or blah. Out of all my Butiki teas, I think this is one of the most accurately named. The tea was sweet enough on its own that I didn’t want to add sugar in case it wrecked the flavour balance, but I will eventually (reluctantly) try it with some added.