Let’s travel to India (on courtesy of Dustin, who sent me among “ordered” teas, 5 tea bag samples, which are going to be great in my collection) when today is a first day of new, and hopefully last semester.
Marketing in transport is a lecture I am taking while writing this note. But the tea indeed delivers me to some warmer environment than this winter wonderland.
Anyway, to describe this tea. It’s somehow sweet (probably vanilla) and mostly thick. Cloves are somehow most prominent flavour, but overall it is mellow, but as well somehow boring in tastes. Like my sender wrote, it is like murmur of those flavours. I would like the spices a bit more pronounced.
Flavors: Cloves, Thick, Vanilla
I have this one but haven’t had any of it in ages. I need to make a cup soon!
I hope your cup would be a better one than mine.