250 Tasting Notes
As someone previously suggested, this totally smells like those caramel-apple lollipops. Hmmmmm…
First steep: Okay, so the baby was doing fine until I was just about to take a sip, then apparently decided that life was just tragic and worth whining about (8 month olds are like little bi-polar crack addicts, oi!). So, I got busy with her and forgot about this tea until it had been steeping for a good 15 minutes! Eeeee… so now all I really taste is bitter green tea with a hint of apple pie. Sigh.
Second steep: Since I blew the first steep, maybe the second will be tolerable? Mostly just refreshing green tea, with hints of caramelised apples. Not bad, considering. I won’t rate this though, since I completely wrecked the first steep.
The smell is remarkable, like suntan lotion and those candy necklaces. Let’s hope the taste matches the smell…
Hot: The first thing I taste is the banana, but not fake, medicinal banana—this is the real thing (as it should be, since when I first opened up the pouch there was a HUUGE slice of dried banana on top!). After the banana there is a rush of other flavours, first coconut, then appleraspberryalmondorangecacao. So. Many. Flavours…
Iced: … Mouth ’sploded.
Now to eat the rehydrated mix. Om nom nom.
FINALLY my order arrived on my doorstep, but which tea to start with?? Buttercream sounds like a winner…
Hot: Me-o-my this is lovely. Not so much buttercream as… butterscotch? The little sister of Whisky White: smoother, more personality and no bitterness. Besides Strawberry White, this is my new fave white tea.
Cold: So, I got busy with the baby (needy, needy, needy) and the tea got cold, but FEAR NOT for it tastes just as refreshing! The “butterscotch” comes through a lot more now, mmmmmm. Me likey.
When I purchased this back in February the sales associate assured me that the taste would grow on me… 7 months later and I’m still waiting.
First steep: Very strong flavours and scents, it almost bowls me over everytime, is it the figs or the oolong? I sip it slowly, but the flavours just do not jive in my mouth… there’s no smoothness or creaminess. It’s just strong and brash.
Second steep: A little better than the first, mostly due to the fig flavour weakening. Still having a hard time getting “lost” in the cup. Kabusecha, Milk Oolong, Rooibos, all eventually grew on me, but this… this one just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth everytime. Sigh.
I am down to the last bag of this… so sad.
In my search for the perfect Earl Grey, I would have to say that this is by far the best. Since the tea is aged with bergamot the flavour is so much more complex than teas that use merely the oil or flavourings. This is the perfect tea for a London Fog and I will even go so far as to bring my own teabag to cafes, order an extra hot vanilla steamer, then make my own London Fog with the Numi teabag. Sneaky? Yes, but worth it for the fullness of the Numi Earl Grey.