The smell is remarkable, like suntan lotion and those candy necklaces. Let’s hope the taste matches the smell…
Hot: The first thing I taste is the banana, but not fake, medicinal banana—this is the real thing (as it should be, since when I first opened up the pouch there was a HUUGE slice of dried banana on top!). After the banana there is a rush of other flavours, first coconut, then appleraspberryalmondorangecacao. So. Many. Flavours…
Iced: … Mouth ’sploded.
Now to eat the rehydrated mix. Om nom nom.
I made 3 good batches of Iced tea with this stuff! Because it’s all chunks of yummy goodness, I just kept resteeping and it kept giving ^^
I just know this measly 25g is going to be gone before I know it…. sigh.