FINALLY my order arrived on my doorstep, but which tea to start with?? Buttercream sounds like a winner…
Hot: Me-o-my this is lovely. Not so much buttercream as… butterscotch? The little sister of Whisky White: smoother, more personality and no bitterness. Besides Strawberry White, this is my new fave white tea.
Cold: So, I got busy with the baby (needy, needy, needy) and the tea got cold, but FEAR NOT for it tastes just as refreshing! The “butterscotch” comes through a lot more now, mmmmmm. Me likey.
Yay I’m glad it finally came!
I’m also waiting on some tea in the mail, come on Friday post!
I hope yours arrives soon! Getting packages in the mail is so much fun: the anticipation, the arrival, the opening… not to mention the samples! >_<