
Tea type
Fruit Herbal White Blend
Chamomile, Mango, Organic Flavours, Osmanthus, White Tea
Butter, Cream, Creamy, Frosting, Mango
Sold in
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Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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82 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Not going to lie, I’ve been dying to try this one for a while, so when I found out Awkward Soul had some to swap…. !! So glad I managed to nab some! :D This one smells pretty delicious both dry and...” Read full tasting note
  • “I finally have conquered the 25 pound box of peaches. I’m so proud. Except like 6 jars of jam are in my fridge but I should be getting rid of 6 in the next couple of days to people so yay freezer...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, one of the stores here still has this. Weird, eh? I snatched some up to see what all the commotion was about. I can see why it was named Buttercream. The aroma of the dry leaf is reminiscent of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ugh, so effing comforting. Broke into my second hoarded stash bag today to have some of this this evening. So happy to learn that uptown has some of this left. I must refill…REFILL!! Read past...” Read full tasting note



The icing on the cake
Were you the kid who loved licking the leftover frosting from the bowl? And the beaters? And the spoon? Well, now you don’t have to hang around mom’s kitchen to get your buttercream fix. This luscious, creamy blend combines white and chamomile teas with sweet mango and loads of rich, buttery taste. And after you stir in a little milk and sugar, you can still lick the spoon.

Package Description:
With this rich, creamy blend, you don’t have to hang around mom’s kitchen to get your buttercream fix.
Organic: White tea, mango, chamomile, osmanthus, and organic compliant flavouring.
1 1/2 tsp, 94C, 4-5 min

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

82 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Not going to lie, I’ve been dying to try this one for a while, so when I found out Awkward Soul had some to swap…. !! So glad I managed to nab some! :D

This one smells pretty delicious both dry and steeped. Creamy and delicious. Steeped, it gets a peachy sort of aroma as well.

Ohhhhh goodness. This is super delicious. Tastes just. Like. Buttercream. But less cloying! Sweet, coconutty, creamy is what I’m getting, plus a flavour that reminds me of Dulce & Banana and must be the chamomile(?) Delicious creamy/caramelly/butterscotchy aftertaste. Ahhhhh, I wish this was still available!! Anyone have any spare Buttercream they want to be rid of???? :D

Thank you so incredibly much, Awkward Soul! At the very least, my curiousity has been satisfied and I can understand the hype about this blend! On the downside, I only get about 2 more cups of it, but I will live :) I feel like I should also compare this to Whisky White before it’s all gone… I have a strange feeling they may have similar flavours.

ETA: Re-steep is really yummy too. I do quite like this one, why is it gone :(

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I got some Buttercream from Compass Teas Buttercream Frosting to be exact – they may be the same tea or similar. I will add a sample in with the trade we have been working on.

Oolong Owl

BOoooo, I didn’t know they took it off the website! I think it was last fall’s tea collection as I remember buying it with Pumpkin Chai. Happy you like it, the chamomile in it didn’t work with me. Smells amazing however.


Yeah, I have never seen it available for sale :( Really wish I could get some more. I’d love to try the tea from Compass, Azzrian, although one thing I’m pretty sure of is that DavidsTea isn’t one of those companies who sources their blends elsewhere! But there have been close matches before :) So here’s hoping!


Wait – did I ever send you any of this???
Are we working on a trade still? OMG I think I am losing MY mind now!
I know I am putting some things in Indigoblooms box – which I can do that with this one if I still have it. Do I? I dunno….. hold on…. Please tell me I already sent this to you because I believe I sent it on and it was not where I was keeping it (specific place so I know its gone.) GAH


Hahaha, actually when I ran across this post I thought the exact same thing! I have your box right here and will check…


Nope, I didn’t get it, but I did get two packages of Shang’s Sweet Leaf.

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1220 tasting notes

I finally have conquered the 25 pound box of peaches. I’m so proud. Except like 6 jars of jam are in my fridge but I should be getting rid of 6 in the next couple of days to people so yay freezer space.

Now I have to clean up the massive mess that is my kitchen now. Do not want.

It was quite nice between preserving and jam to see that a big box of tea from TeaEqualsBliss came in the mail, except it was at the leasing office soooo..I was lazy and drove myself there because I probably would have passed out on the way back. LOTS OF TEA!

I was so so so excited to see this one in there, because I did not discover DT until this one was gone. I had hoped maybe it would come back with the cupcake teas but that did not happen. Now I feel victorious!

This is indeed creamy but the mango is a bit too obvious in the taste. It smells so good though, I kind of lose control of myself and end up dipping my nose in the tea. It truly smells like buttercream.

Letting it cool down a bit. I’d ice it but I’m out of ice from blanching peaches and for some reason the icemaker won’t make more? Is it mad about all the peaches sharing its territory? It’s getting to the point I’d go out and buy a bag of ice if I had any space, I want my ice! It’s far better once it’s cooled a bit. The mango becomes more like a sweetness than a fruit flavor. It gets more buttery too.

So going to have to try this iced really soon even though there are tons of other things to try!


You really did a good job there. My mom had a nack for picking the hottest day of Summer to can peaches. It smelled good but after awhile she got cranky “stop running through the kitchen you kids!” Mostly they were Freestone Peaches and appreciated in the Winter! You’ll be so glad if you save some until then! You should be so proud of yourself!


That’s the plan! I really wanted to do actual canning but I don’t have a stockpot deep enough, and I had already spent so much on the sugar, jars, and pectin (and the peaches) that I didn’t want to bother with that too, so freezer everything it was. Now there’s 6 24oz tubs of sliced peaches ready for peach pie for…Thanksgiving!


So jealous of your peaches! I hope there’s a delectable peach cobbler in your future. Now I’m off to make a chocolate mug cake cause I just need some dessert right now!


Mmmmmm peaches!


Buttercream had mango?? Interesting. That’s one I missed from DT too, that everyone was raving about.


“I kind of lose control of myself and end up dipping my nose in the tea.” LOL! :)

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1792 tasting notes

So, one of the stores here still has this. Weird, eh? I snatched some up to see what all the commotion was about.

I can see why it was named Buttercream. The aroma of the dry leaf is reminiscent of buttercream: sweet, creamy, and smooth. But my nose can’t help but get past the mango in here. So to me it’s more like ultra creamy sticky mango.

The taste reminds me a little bit of Check Mate, probably due to the chamomile. This is a lot smoother though since I’m not detecting any astringency (which I sometimes get from Check Mate). The buttercream flavour is there but it’s really mild. Again, the mango is the main note here.

I don’t think it was supposed to be a literal translation of buttercream, but more the texture and overall sensation one experiences when enjoying a piece of cake slathered in buttercream icing.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I like checkmate.


Me too!


I’ve been waiting for them to bring this one back for so long. Mango + cream sounds good to me!


The mango notes were actually my favourite part about this tea! Too bad they didn’t bring it back this fall.


I wish they would bring it back. I would buy a pound of the stuff…

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761 tasting notes

Ugh, so effing comforting. Broke into my second hoarded stash bag today to have some of this this evening. So happy to learn that uptown has some of this left. I must refill…REFILL!!

Read past notes, but the short short version…AWESOME!!! Still an all time fave.


What? There’s someplace with some of this left?


Yep! I found out by accident! But very eternally grateful.


So did you go buy them out of it? :P


This sounds so good, I need to try it. I hope Davids brings it back.


I hope so too.

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6768 tasting notes

A brand new tea from DavidsTea…so new…it’s not even on the website yet! :)

I can tell you this! I’m a FAN!

It’s White tea with dried fruit of some sort, Chamomile, and a few other surprises…maybe mint or another herb.

This is soothing, gentle, and light but NOT light on flavor! The taste is buttery and creamy…hints of caramel or caramel covered fruit, perhaps? The ever so slight hint of floral-goodness, too!

This is special.

Daisy Chubb

Pretty jealous!
I didn’t get to try the new ones today, but I got told what 3 of them were and that they taste delicious :D can’t wait until tuesday…


You are so connected!


Oh my, I MUST try this!!!


I caught myself thinking about this tea while I waited on line at the Post office. Crazy…


Your comments make me smile – everyone! :)


Hahaha, I freaked out the girl at DT a little today when I asked is this was a fall tea or the September tea .. I was also told that the September tea is not as good as previous months’.


I believe the fruit is actually mango.

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250 tasting notes

I know I’ve reviewed this tea, like, 4 times already (shows you how good it is), but I gotta say I just whipped up a batch of Buttercream-infused honey applesauce and… wow. I’ve infused all sorts of teas into my applesauce recipes—why use water when you can use delicious, flavourful tea—from Coco Chai Rooibos to Mom’s Apple Pie (seemed logical), but this.

This is something else. The Buttercream just compliments the honey in a way that makes it almost taste like caramel apples. I might just have to make more of this…

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658 tasting notes

Alright, I gave this another go and this time with some coconut milk. And, I’m glad I did! It’s grown on me. After a long day of volunteering at a busy event with a ridiculous cold (it’s SEPTEMBER) and when I need to unwind so I can be refreshed for another charity event in the morning, it’s hitting the spot (and helping me rehydrate, hopefully). Sweet, subtle, creamy. I’m finally getting some of the buttercream with the milky addition, though each sip seems to alternate between buttercream and chamomile taking precedence.

Daisy Chubb

Looove it with some coconut milk. Good call!

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516 tasting notes

This is indeed special.
I don’t quite know how to rate it yet, it’s sweet and tasty, and my boyfriend loveeees it.

I want to make cookies with this tea. Okay I must say, if anyone is thinking of ordering the fall collection of 25g per bag, do eet! You get so much of this tea, it’s light and white!

Such a creamy tea, which I don’t usually find in a white. Love it.


I neeeeeed Butercream!!!!!!

Erin Hurley

I have way too much tea. Need to drink it all so I can buy more!


I ordered earlier today. And the collection I found to order came with a steeping basket which is even better news. Can’t wait to get my teas tomorrow. Just have to hide them from hubby. ;)

Daisy Chubb

That’s awesome! I was pretty jealous of the online offer with the steeping basket, but for shipping costs, you guys deserve the steeping basket 100% :)

Daisy Chubb

oooh nvm free shipping good girl. You know 50 bucks ain’t so bad! I went to order from culinary teas and shipping cost more than my order… n_n; So I didn’t. haha


I was at $35 and the shipping was $10 so I figured why not buy $15 more tea rather than pay $10 and get nothing. At least hubby pretends he sees the logic in that. LOL. I spend about $50 each time I am in the store and don’t get anything for that. Online at least I get samples.

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158 tasting notes

This tea has made me like chamomile. Smells soo good. The boy and I enjoyed it with sugar and a few drops of cream after a lovely dinner of homemade chicken & spinach pizza that I made. :) It was the perfect dessert since we were stuffed, and the chamomile had the boy out like a light!

It feels like autumn outside. :D


200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Daisy Chubb

yessss @ your link


me too me too! not a chamomile fan. but LOVED this tea!

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2816 tasting notes

Thanks to Jenn for a sample of this!

This is a good choice for an afternoon tea. I am getting mostly white tea with lots of chamomile and a tiny bit of mango. I don’t really taste much butter or cream but it is very sweet smelling. This is one I liked better after adding soymilk to it. It’s nice but I don’t think I would buy it for myself.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I felt the same way about this tea. Lots of chamomile, something fruity, no real buttercream flavor. It wasn’t bad but I had built up some crazy, lick the spoon, decadent, buttercream frosting expectations.


well that’s due to their marketing spiel, I think!


I’m such a sucka!


Did you try it with milk? If not, do yourself a favour and do it. I know it is odd to drink white tea with milk, but I think the flavour changes a bit with the milk, in a good way. Also, adding sugar brings out the sweetness, even if just a tiny amount.


I added soymilk per the description above but I don’t drink regular milk. Also I don’t add sugar to tea as a general rule.


Ahh, I missed the soymilk mention. I agree that it isn’t quite like frosting, but it is super yummy!

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