250 Tasting Notes

drank Southern Belle by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

In the dry mix you can definitely smell the peaches and yogurt, not sure how it will translate when steeped.

Hot: Not really what I was expecting… maybe I crave more peach and less yogurt? And the black tea base isn’t really strong enough, in my opinion. Maybe it will turn out better if I leave it in the fridge for a while…

Cold: Okay, I’m not sure what’s going on, but it appears the yogurt drops have reconstituted and there are now weird floaty bits all over. Not really putting me in the mood to drink it. Upon sipping (apprehensively, I might add) I do get a bit more peach, but still not enough black tea and the stevia is giving me a strange aftertaste. Gosh, why did I buy 50g of this??

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I definitely don’t think the yogurt would hold up well to icing, as it would only be ‘liquid’ when hot. With my yogurt and chocolate teas I like to drink them as ot as I can for the full flavour. If you happen to have any unflavoured black tea lying around, you could try adding a bit (maybe 1/2 tsp per cup) to “tea” it up some. Of course, you can always pick out the yogurt drops too. : ) Hope you can find some way to enjoy it!


Uniquity: I will have to try both your suggestions, picking out the yogurt & mixing in a plain black. Plus, I suppose I could always serve this tea when guests come over…

Daisy Chubb

I find if I use a paper tea sac then there is no yogurt bit problem, that’s what I do when I’m icing it for sure, as I think this tea is best iced :)


Daisy: Maybe that’s what I’ll do… I normally use a mesh strainer.

Daisy Chubb

I do this for my read my lips as well, more because I can’t get the red candy out of my trainer very easily haha n_n;

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drank Copabanana by DAVIDsTEA
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Iced 8 min or more

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drank Orange Pekoe (Organic) by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

Really no scent coming from the leaves, let’s hope there’s more flavour than there is scent!

All-in-all, not bad, but it’s not blowing me out of the water either. I’m used to Red Rose and Tazo Awake tea so maybe my taste buds are off? There is the taste of a black tea with hints of roses, but it’s rather weak. I want this to wow me! To sweep me off into a lovely tea-induced coma! Sadly, it’s dropped the ball. Oh well, at least I tried it right?

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Green Rooibos by DAVIDsTEA
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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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One of my “go-to” teas, especially on chilly days when I want something warming, but also caffeine free. Although I will be honest, I find the cinnamon a little overwhelming so I mix in some green rooibos to mellow it out, which does the trick!

Also, this tea is AMAZING in recipes! I’ve used it in hot chocolate (brew tea as directed, strain leaves, and mix in hot chocolate mix. Mmhmm.) and cinnamon rooibos chai infused applesauce (Delicious! Cinnamony! YES!!) and it holds it’s own every time.

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

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Now, this is what jasmine tea is meant to smell like…

First steep: Very earthy, floral, and… green! Reminds me of the tea they serve in Chinese restaurants, except better because they tend to use bagged tea and this is the real deal. Slightly bitter as it cools, make sure not to oversteep this OR scald the leaves.

Second steep: Still light, refreshing and flavourful. Probably will not be able to get another steep out of it though…

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Jumpy Monkey by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

Blech… nope. Second try still hasn`t converted me. Thank goodness this was only a sample.

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drank Jumpy Monkey by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

My mom is a big maté fan, so if she loves teas like this I should too, right?

Wrong… something about matés just comes off as musty-tasting to me. I wanted to like this, since I can no longer drink coffee I need something in the mornings to get me going. Jumpy Monkey just doesn’t appear to be that tea, guess I will have to stick with Jungle Ju Ju for the energy boost in the mornings.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Detox by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

As others have noted the smell is very medicinal, lets take a sip…

Hmmm… not unlike Raspberry Nectar, except I find the lemongrass much more tolerable in this. Not the greatest of flavours, but something about this tea just feels detoxifying! I like this so much better than some of the other wellness teas I have tried (Skinny and The Cardio, I’m lookin’ at you!) and it’s exactly what I need after a meat-and-junk-food filled weekend with the in-laws.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Buttercream by DAVIDsTEA
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205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Hi there! I am a big fan of tea in it’s many forms: white, green, black, red, herbal, etc. Since the removal of my gallbladder I am finding I sway more towards straight teas, such as black or oolong, and dessert-like teas.

I hope you find my reviews helpful…

Organic Ever Green (4 tsp) • DAVIDsTEA
Dragonwell • DAVIDsTEA
Mint Julep (15g) • DAVIDsTEA
Choconut Oolong (25g) • DAVIDsTEA



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