1780 Tasting Notes

drank La Pomme by Fauchon
1780 tasting notes

And also Advent Day 23

This time I added oat milk and sugar to see if that made this tea more interesting and I think it worked. The milk added a significant amount of creaminess and the sugar rounded out the fruit flavor well. It did tone down the flavor of the apple, but now it’s more like a creamy apple reminiscent of a pastry. Not quite apple strudel level (it’s much more subtle than that), but it made it nicer and gave me something to sip on while waking up slowly.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Sounds lovely! (The tea and the waking up slowly!)


It’s my favorite way to start a day!

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And also advent day 22

Glad to be sipping on one of Fauchon’s flavored blends, but I wish it were a different one than what was already in the advent. I happily drank down my first flavorful cup while playing with our new 3D printer. Trying to print enough gifts for the children for the solstice party tomorrow evening. I’ll drink down the second cup while processing the overripe and bird bitten persimmons that I picked yesterday which won’t keep for long as is.

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drank Mistah F.A. Tea by Hella Tea
1780 tasting notes

Another advent duplicate has me reaching in my cupboard again. I think I’ve had this tea for a year now and I haven’t gotten the hang of it. It steeped up really dark and bitter. So much so that I had to put creamer in it to diffuse it. Now I have a generic tasting cup with cream. I think I can pick out a little bit of the depth that chocolate brings, but it’s not actually chocolate flavor and it’s not very exciting. I’m not into it. I tried.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Tilleul Menthe by THEODOR
1780 tasting notes

I don’t know what to make of this. It’s mint for sure, but mint without the bite. I kinda like when mint bites. This is a very soft mint with rounded edges. Slightly sweet, very mellow and polite. I’m a little disappointed it doesn’t have more going on, but it’s a fine cup to hydrate on.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Chai Caramel Latte by Almost Tea
1780 tasting notes

Last night I took the once steeped and my last fresh bag, put them in a thermos with hot water, honey, Jameson and a splash of smokey whiskey and had myself a really nice hot toddy type drink while sitting around the solstice fire, setting intentions for the new year with friends. This tea was perfect for it with the warming chai spices! I do wish I had more of this tea. I’m currently polishing off what was left in the thermos and it’s still delightful.

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drank J.E. Oolong Milky by THEODOR
1780 tasting notes

I have a few mystery tea bags that Theodor sent with one of my orders. I had to open three before I found one I wanted to drink and this oolong was it! My cup has cooled and it brings out more of the mineral notes in the sip than when hot. The finish has this creamy white rice taste. It has an almost caramel like taste. It’s such a lovely tea and my description is not doing it justice. A friend of mine said he found an oolong from a company that he swears is the same tea. They were out of stock the last time he checked and I can’t remember what the company was. I’ll have to ask him again and compare the two side by side.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I’d be interested to know if you can figure out what other shop has this tea!


Bird Pick Tea and Herb has a nearly identical tasting tea called Premium Silky Green. They list it as green but if you look at reviews you can see that everyone agrees it is a flavored milk oolong.


OH that’s the one! and lo and behold, I just happen to have some very old Bird Pick Premium Silky Green (smacks forehead).


I’ll ask when I see him this week. Doesn’t hurt to have multiple back up sources!


He said it was Tealyra’s Milk Jin Xuan Oolong that reminded him of this one. I had a cup and it was tasty, but I didn’t get to do a side by side comparison, so I can’t vouch for it yet.


oh no, I ALSO have a little bit of the Tealyra Milk oolong around here. what the heck. :D Thanks for asking again!


I just ordered a bag so I can compare the two! I’d love to know how you think it compares!


I COULD compare them, but all three of these teas that I have are extremely old at this point. haha

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drank Dragon Gate by TWG Tea Company
1780 tasting notes

Wow… looks like this has been kicking in my cupboard for six years! Time has not served it well. It tastes like a light ethereal generic fruit tea with nothing notable or exciting going on. I’m dumping this cup and composting the rest of the bag. My first log of this tea was way more positive. This is what I get for letting tea sit!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Umber by Chroma Tea
1780 tasting notes

Skipping my advent tea since it is another repeat and am reaching into the depths of my cupboard instead.

It’s a rainy day which is perfect for staying inside with cups of tea, although that doesn’t seem to stop the hummingbirds from chirping their little hearts out. On days like this I wish this house were better insulated so I could feel cozy inside, but that isn’t the way of 140 year old Victorian homes.

This cup of tea is changing a bit as I sip along. The coconut was prominent on my first few sips, then the roasty flavors took over after that. If I sip too quickly there is a flash of something sour at the start of the sip, a similar tang that dark chocolate sometimes has. Something in this blend is making my throat feel scratchy. I’m trying to ignore it, but it’s getting stronger. It’s a very dark deep tasting blend. Roast flavors with chocolate and the coconut filling in with cream. I’m not finding jasmine at all. It’s warm and comforting if I ignore the throat thing. It’s not as bold as I was hoping for, but it would be perfect if I was in the mood for something more mellow. I’m glad to have tried this, but it isn’t something I’d restock.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Today was exhausting and it’s only half way done. New tires on the car and several stops for various groceries. I hate the holidays time of year. Everything and everyone seems so much more frantic than normal until mid January. It makes me want to hide. Stay home. Drink tea!

This tea sample has held up better than the other one. It still has some flavor. Caramel scent greets me when I steep it. The sip is a little tart, but the finish has a decent coconut caramel flavor to it. I can’t seem to get the taste of the carrots I ate 30 minutes ago out of my mouth, so that is mingling with the tea a little. The cup seems to lack a little of the base notes I like in a well rounded tea. It’s more mid to high note. It feels like it could do more and become a fantastic tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I definitely think we are turning it into a bigger deal than we need to.

Martin Bednář

I am pretty much same Dustin; but staying at home won’t help as I am not there alone (living with parents :D )


It’s hard to downplay the holidays with kids in the house. One keeps asking me how many of the gifts are for him, if I can give any hints on what they are and asking what treats will be in his stocking. He is pumped and I feel like he’s catching excitement from his friends who’s families do the holidays big. More reason to dream of living in the woods, rejecting consumerism and adopting the identity of a forest witch!


It’s all just like Charlie and the Choc factory. I’m a parent myself and while I want my kids to have a good holiday I also want them to understand certain things. Though my daughter is an overthinker so I have to be careful with what I tell her. Consumerism is dangerous.

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drank Creamsicle by Pleasures of Tea
1780 tasting notes

Got a sample of this from a friend a few months ago. I had a cup before and I don’t recall it tasting as savory as this. It’s almost broth like. I get a hint of orange, but nothing to make me think creamsicle. I’m getting soup base without the salt. Maybe it got contaminated by being too close to some other tea? Strange.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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