My first steep of this was 3m and the cup was great. I sipped through it while getting the tiny roommates online for school. There are six alarms on my phone daily to get them into all the zooms on time. I stuffed my face with leftover coconut naan, washing it down with my first cup, not taking the time to appreciate the tea. Now that the morning has settled I’ve made a second steeping, which isn’t as delicious as the first. It still smells great with a deep strawberry like scent, but the flavors are now lighter than I’d like. Now that I’ve let my cup cool it is getting a little of that flatness I mentioned in my previous notes. This appears to be a cup better sipped hot!
Coconut Naan sounds so yummy! I still need to try this one. Good to know it’s better to drink it hot.
Coconut Naan sounds so yummy! I still need to try this one. Good to know it’s better to drink it hot.
There is a restaurant in Austin that does a dried cherry, raisin and pistachio naan that is AMAZING! God, I miss that stuff! Their korma was really good too.