Another fun smoky blend! I love The Specials and Halloween and used to have a lovebird named Ghost, so all signs point me to this tea! I was trying to listen to Ghost Town while sipping this, but the song ended and the next few came up that were much more danceable. I need energy and movement right now. The smoke of the lapsang makes me think of campfires, open spaces, mist and solace. The coconut adds a hint of cream which I can imagine being foggy and ghost like. I’m not sure what else is in this blend, but I really like it! It’s smooth with light creamy smoke, balanced well and a consistent flavor from sip to finish. This is making me crave the fake bacon salad topping I make with liquid smoke and coconut shavings and eat by the handful!
205 °F / 96 °C
3 min, 0 sec
The Specials! Great googly moogly, I haven’t listened to them since plaid Vans were a thing the FIRST time around.
Are plaid Vans back?!
Did plaid Vans go out? O.O