drank Peanut Butter Cup by DAVIDsTEA
1779 tasting notes

Hmmmm… interesting. This was much tastier when hot and has lost a lot while cooling over an entire Ghibli movie. It still smells good with peanut butter and chocolate. I can still taste it too, but there is a flatness to it, almost alkaline, now that it’s cold. I might try resteeping and drinking it all while hot.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

Ooh, which Ghibli movie?! ❤️


Howl’s Moving Castle. We have been watching Ghibli with the tiny roommates lately. Also watched My Neighbor Totoro and Porco Rosso recently. I really liked HMC. It had a storyline that was easy to understand and was low in comparison on the machismo and sexist sterotypes and had interesting fantasy points. MNT was a little weak on the story line and Porco was too heavy on male rivalry for me. Need to rewatch Mononoke, it’s been years!

Mastress Alita

I like HMC too. KDS is my favorite, and my friend brought me back an adorable Jiji teacup from the Ghibli museum in Japan. I treat it like a grandma that has “china too good to use” and have never taken it out of the box, much less put tea in it… shifty eyes


I probably last watched KDS when I last watched Mononoke. 15 years easy!

Roswell Strange

I think Pom Poko was the one I most recently watched (for the podcast) and it was… something! MNT is probably my favourite, but largely for nostalgia reasons. Spirited Away is also veeerrrryyy high on my Ghibli list, as is KDS. I need to watch Mononoke – I know it’s one of the better known ones and very well regarded, but I’ve somehow just never seen it. Grave of The Fireflies is also hauntingly beautiful, but reaaalll fucking sad.

Lexie Aleah

Castle in The Sky has always been my favorite.

Cameron B.

I love all of them! Depends largely on my mood which I watch, but Howl is definitely high on the list. I live Ponyo as well, it’s so whimsical and cute!

Also Mary and the Witch’s Flower is very good, though not Ghibli. It reminds me in some ways of Howl. ❤️


Oh that’s right! I listened to that episode of your podcast! Lots of balls was the take away. I wonder if that is one we should skip viewing with the little roommates. I’d be super annoyed (and maybe a tiiiiny bit amused) to find the boy child pantsless on the couch pretending his balls were camouflaged as a cushion the next day.

Roswell Strange

Yes, our general takeaways were testicles and deforestation is bad. A real mixed bag of a movie, imo. That’s probably my favourite episode we’ve done even though I just thought it was an alright movie XD

Mastress Alita

A very unknown Ghibli that I quite like is “The Cat Returns”. It’s different, but quite good.

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Cameron B.

Ooh, which Ghibli movie?! ❤️


Howl’s Moving Castle. We have been watching Ghibli with the tiny roommates lately. Also watched My Neighbor Totoro and Porco Rosso recently. I really liked HMC. It had a storyline that was easy to understand and was low in comparison on the machismo and sexist sterotypes and had interesting fantasy points. MNT was a little weak on the story line and Porco was too heavy on male rivalry for me. Need to rewatch Mononoke, it’s been years!

Mastress Alita

I like HMC too. KDS is my favorite, and my friend brought me back an adorable Jiji teacup from the Ghibli museum in Japan. I treat it like a grandma that has “china too good to use” and have never taken it out of the box, much less put tea in it… shifty eyes


I probably last watched KDS when I last watched Mononoke. 15 years easy!

Roswell Strange

I think Pom Poko was the one I most recently watched (for the podcast) and it was… something! MNT is probably my favourite, but largely for nostalgia reasons. Spirited Away is also veeerrrryyy high on my Ghibli list, as is KDS. I need to watch Mononoke – I know it’s one of the better known ones and very well regarded, but I’ve somehow just never seen it. Grave of The Fireflies is also hauntingly beautiful, but reaaalll fucking sad.

Lexie Aleah

Castle in The Sky has always been my favorite.

Cameron B.

I love all of them! Depends largely on my mood which I watch, but Howl is definitely high on the list. I live Ponyo as well, it’s so whimsical and cute!

Also Mary and the Witch’s Flower is very good, though not Ghibli. It reminds me in some ways of Howl. ❤️


Oh that’s right! I listened to that episode of your podcast! Lots of balls was the take away. I wonder if that is one we should skip viewing with the little roommates. I’d be super annoyed (and maybe a tiiiiny bit amused) to find the boy child pantsless on the couch pretending his balls were camouflaged as a cushion the next day.

Roswell Strange

Yes, our general takeaways were testicles and deforestation is bad. A real mixed bag of a movie, imo. That’s probably my favourite episode we’ve done even though I just thought it was an alright movie XD

Mastress Alita

A very unknown Ghibli that I quite like is “The Cat Returns”. It’s different, but quite good.

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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