drank Scarborough Fair by A Quarter to Tea
1780 tasting notes

I’ve had a sample of this forever and am just getting around to oversteeping it. :( Walked out of earshot of my tea timer and got distracted. I’m trying to imagine what this would taste like steeped normally. I’m expecting parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme as the song says, but I’m really hoping there is no parsley in this because dried parsley is gross. I also can’t get that line of the song out of my head in Miss Piggy’s voice. Paul Simon was a guest on the Muppet Show and they performed this song with Miss Piggy impatiently yelling that line over Paul’s melodic voice. Classic. Also… strangely… I have a couple pieces of rambling fan mail that was intended for Paul Simon, but ended up in my hands instead. I briefly had a job answering fan mail for Eddie Fisher, Carrie Fisher’s father and Carrie once having been married to Paul was the link as to why this fan used Eddie’s address. I guess he figured Eddie would know where his long since ex son in law was and would forward the mail. The fan would ask odd questions of Paul and added the time of writing, which was something like 2 in the morning. I was so amused by those postcards. Anyways… tea.
This is savory for sure. I feel like I’m getting cranberry in with dried herbs. There is an unpleasant tang that I’m guessing is user error. It reminds me of one of the Theodor laponic blends that is very herbaceous as well. I can see this being an interesting tea if steeped properly, but that’s not the type of cup I ended up with.

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Oh my gosh, how does one get a job answering fan mail? That sounds fascinating and also potentially scary! But fun and unique!


The mother of a friend of mine was friends with Eddie’s last wife who had passed away and she kept up a friendship with Eddie for a while. Since my friend’s mom was trying to help him sort things out after that loss and I had free time, it just sort of happened. He seemed like such a strange man from the few times I met him. His whole adult life was spent with people taking care of things for him, but it also seemed debilitating and isolating. He needed someone to sort through his mail, have him sign records and memorabilia people sent him to sign, sign photos asked for on request and mail it all back out again. There wasn’t actual letter writing in return, but it’s hard to explain the job briefly other than “answering fan mail”.
Since he was Carrie’s dad, I get to joke that I worked for Princess Leia’s dad, Darth Vader.


Wow, and how sobering to hear what it was really like. I expect fame can be quite isolating, and that is sad. But it sounds like a great experience to have had for you, and certainly a fun story to tell, especially working for Darth Vader! Ha ha!


He was funny and bratty and tried to be sly as well. I definitely did get a few good stories out the whole thing!

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Oh my gosh, how does one get a job answering fan mail? That sounds fascinating and also potentially scary! But fun and unique!


The mother of a friend of mine was friends with Eddie’s last wife who had passed away and she kept up a friendship with Eddie for a while. Since my friend’s mom was trying to help him sort things out after that loss and I had free time, it just sort of happened. He seemed like such a strange man from the few times I met him. His whole adult life was spent with people taking care of things for him, but it also seemed debilitating and isolating. He needed someone to sort through his mail, have him sign records and memorabilia people sent him to sign, sign photos asked for on request and mail it all back out again. There wasn’t actual letter writing in return, but it’s hard to explain the job briefly other than “answering fan mail”.
Since he was Carrie’s dad, I get to joke that I worked for Princess Leia’s dad, Darth Vader.


Wow, and how sobering to hear what it was really like. I expect fame can be quite isolating, and that is sad. But it sounds like a great experience to have had for you, and certainly a fun story to tell, especially working for Darth Vader! Ha ha!


He was funny and bratty and tried to be sly as well. I definitely did get a few good stories out the whole thing!

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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