558 Tasting Notes
Made this iced for the husband tonight and stole a few sips :)
I don’t care for this much cold. It’s a decent cup hot, but lowering a few points as it isn’t as good as I remember it. Will try again hot to compare. It must be the aveyurdic chai and not the spice of life that was being sampled at the Teavana near me yesterday…something made him and I both crave this tea. Might have to pick up some of the other next time. Ah, how the shopping list grows :(
Sorry it took so long to get around to your sample, Garrett. Many thanks for sending this tea in the mist of end of semester projects/papers/finals/presentations! I decided to go with iced on this this evening as it is over 90 here in IL today. I still have enough left to try this hot another day. I like the lightly tart pomegranate flavor in this white tea. It’s nothing amazingly special, but it is a decent cup of pomegranate white tea. I don’t think it will be something I purchase, but maybe something I choose to drink when I visit Argo again. Happy for the cooling properties in white tea, and in having this cold today:)
I had a treat receipt from ordering coffee this morning, and this has been something I’ve been trying to get the courage up to try. So I ordered it to drink on the way home from work as a treat. Unfortunately the tea flavor/matcha in this is the epitome of exactly what I don’t like in a green tea. I can’t get past the fresh hay flavor that this tea brings out. Leads me to think I really will not enjoy matcha, as this flavor/smell is something I just can’t do. Even the amount of sugar and whipped cream didn’t make it do able for me. My husband slurped it all up pretty quickly though :)
I can do matcha (LOVE it), but I don’t like it mixed w/ dairy. Although… I think it would be amazing as a blended iced green tea latte (half milk, half ice) w/ mocha and peppermint syrups so it’s kinda like a frozen matcha peppermint hot chocolate. Maybe Strawberry puree too? One thing is for sure, I don’t do classic syrup in anything.
This tastes like consumerism crap that just happens not to be my cup of tea – too much sugar mixed with the matcha they use. Very dry tasting, I thought.
I was quite impressed by the fruity mango sweetness that came out of this tea when I made it up iced. This is the 3rd of 6 RoT teas my work stocks. I think I’ve enjoyed this the most so far. I do like the base of this tea, I just find that RoT’s teas taste “dusty” when hot, and I don’t get as much dust when sipping them iced.
Had a mug of this iced at work today. I’m taste testing all of our RoT teas iced at work to see what will be my daily tea, or maybe I’ll just mix it up. I didn’t like this upon first sip, it was too potently floral, rather than more of a juicy citrus bergamot, but it grew on me as I continued to sip at it. Quite a great iced tea, not sure I could make it through the floral notes in the tea hot, but iced, it holds out well.
Brewed up a large glass of this iced using 2 tea bags at work this afternoon. I found the ginger to be a tad strong for my liking, but it makes a refreshing iced cup. I thought the peach flavor was pretty noticeable, so it gets a few more points for good peachy ness.
Yummmm…what a great blend. This could quite possibly be a (temporary) replacement for Marco Polo! It has similar notes to my favorite strawberry tea. This held up so well to cream that I think I am in strawberry cream heaven. This is just like a rich strawberry ice cream. So good! Was perfect to drink as a dessert tea!
Thanks Rachel for mailing me this in my sample package:) I will have to add this to my “must order” list. Just need to make quite a bit of room in my overflowing cupboard.
Your welcome and I never did think of the comparison you made between this and Marco Polo. I have both and think at some point I should do a taste comparison. Hmm the wheels are turning.
I ran out recently and have too much tea to justify purchasing more (hubby would kill me…or at least make me do dishes for several days). This is quite similar. Can’t wait to get some and try it iced as well.
Haven’t tried it iced yet but I am really low on my supply so will have to get some later to make it iced and I understand overflowing tea,I try to stop myself and it doesn’t always work. BTW, did you like the label? It is a photograph I took. Many of the labels are my photographs, yet another expensive hobby. LOL
I do like the photo. I understand about the expensive hobby, I just bought myself a new DSLR last winter. At least with the digital world things are a bit cheaper to manage (I don’t need to have rolls developed, although I used to work in a photo lab and do them myself). Need to spend more time with my camera, it has been gathering dust since summer started!
Today I decided to take a walk on the wild side and roll the die of fortune, results were a 6 (no more tea at this level). Second roll, a 4. Honeybush Mango by Adagio teas was the winning selection today.
This tea didn’t brew quite as dark as I was expecting after an 8 minute steep. Quite a light amber/copper color. The flavor is a bit more floral than fruity, but I still get mango out of it. It is very naturally sweet. Their is something in the aftertaste that doesn’t quite work to me. Makes me curious to try other adagio Mango’s (maybe a green mango) to see if it is the honeybush leaving the off taste on my tongue.
I really feel sophisticated while drinking this tea. This would be a beautiful tea to serve at an elegant tea party. I love the floral, nutty flavor. I wasn’t sure how much nut I’d get out of this tea, but it is a sweet pastry nuttiness, with a hint of flowery good ness. Glad I took this back out of the cupboard. Thanks to Doulton for organizing the great tea purchase from Damman Frere’s months ago. Deliciouso
Bumping up a few points for it’s great taste when iced. I actually craved more of this tea today. I may have to pick up some more of this when I head to MN in two weeks. I love that my family lives so close to this tea store. Loving the cherry flavor. Maybe I can mix it with another coconut tea (pina colada honeybush?) to get more of the black forest cake flavor.