558 Tasting Notes

drank Tropical Green by Zhi Tea
558 tasting notes

Such a beautiful tea to watch steep! All of the petals and pieces of fruit. The aroma is quite strong of pineapple and passion fruit, I could inhale this all day. Unfortunately, I’m not getting much of that flavor in the taste. Just a very slight hint of passionfruit on the back end of the swallow. I’m not even getting much green tea flavor. Maybe this needs a longer steeping time or cooler brewing temp. The packaging recommended 3 minutes at 185F, a bit hotter than I normally brew greens.

Ahhh…I found a bit more flavor. If I slurp the tea as it is cooling the pineapple comes through and a sweet fruit flavor that might be the papaya is also present. Okay, this is a little better now!

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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A very smooth and refreshingly fruity tea. I really like the black tea base used in this flavored tea. It was very mellow and took to the peach and apricot flavoring well. This tea has such a refreshing note to it, it was great this morning! This is another goodie from the swap with TeaEqualsBliss. I made the rest of this as a pitcher of iced tea, I hope the fruityness stays as present in it cold!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I was really in the mood for a plain old earl grey today, after trying my berry chocolate earl grey last night, plain Earl sounded like just the thing I needed. I thought I was going to have to run to the store, or Starbucks, to get a cup, but thankfully there was a pouch of this in the swap box TeaEqualsBliss sent me.

Ahhh…just the simple Earl I was craving today. No need for cream or sugar. This is a nice black tea with bergamot, as simple as it could be!

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I obviously didn’t read the packaging carefully on this impulse buy: it contains red rooibos. My taste buds seem to have changed as I don’t enjoy red rooibos anymore. Unless it is heavily masked. Also the cocoa tastes very fake in this blend. Not tasting much bergamot or berry. Just fake chocolate rooibos :-/


when I first read the name of this tea, I thought… oh… I must try it… but after reading your note… eh… maybe not!


That’s exactly what I was thinking, too, LiberTEAS.

Meghann M

That’s what made me buy it, but it’s so not good. I guess I shouldn’t have expected Target’s name brand tea to be extravagant, but no.

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I was sent a sample of this in the mail. I love the flavor of this green tea! It is so nice and fruity, mostly blueberry but a hint of hibiscus. I will have to pick some of this up. I’m surprised I like this so much!


I’ve been eyeballing this one at the store, wondering if it would be worth it. Good to know that it is!


This is a good tea if you want green tea energy but not flavor. If you’re a green tea enthusiast this one is a hard pass.

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Trying this hot with no additives for the first official logging. I can tell there is more to this tea than just hibiscus as it is sweeter than the natural hibiscus tea I sampled. It has a light vanilla-pear taste that doesn’t show itself until the end of the sip. This is a nice relaxing evening cup, but I think I enjoy my tangerine hibiscus and pineapple lychee many times more than this. Although this could become a staple as a hot night time tea. Hmmm…

Thank you Jaime for letting me try this tea!

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I have enjoyed the Daily Green’s from RoT that I have tried thus far, and this is no exception. The fragrance is strongly pineapple, sweet, juicy ripe pineapple, with an underlying hint of ginger’s zip. The taste is mostly of green tea, just a light, grassy green, with a bit of fruity sweetness from the pineapple. I wish the taste was as rich as the fragrance, but it is not. There is a little tickling in the back of my throat from the ginger, but it is not too strong.

This was a great choice to wash down taco night dinner tonight. Can’t decide if I want another cup, or if I will switch to an herbal….

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 45 sec

oh, I’ll have to keep an eye out for this one if I ever finish up my tin of Honey Ginseng.


I’ll have to look for this one…I’ve been on a pineapple kick here lately. Do you think someone who doesn’t like ginger would still like this tea?


RoT is really kind of an…unfortunate acronym

Meghann M

Jaime-I think it might be enjoyable. I don’t like over the top Ginger teas aka rishi’s tangerine Ginger, but I really enjoy milder ones like this and Stash’s green tea Ginger peach.

Ewa-quite an unfortunate acronym:)

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I like my dessert teas with cream and sugar (if they are black based), and thus prepared this that way automatically. This is a very rich full cocoa flavored tea with a taste of cardamom and a light hint of cinnamon. Very nice, thanks TeaEqualsBliss for sending some my way.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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Enjoying another mug full before bed. I have enough for one more cup later this week. Thank you Jaime for sending me such a wonderful tea. I will definitely be going to Teavana for some of this next week!

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Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a baby any day now (due Oct 24 2011). Sticking to mainly herbal and low caffeine teas for now. Trying to encourage my husbands tea drinking, but he adds so much sweetner he may as well just drink diet pop. I love trying new teas, and will try any tea once.



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