DIY Kyoto Obubu Advent Calendar – Day 1
I decided to do an all-Obubu advent for my unflavored option this year! I get their quarterly subscription box, so I am constantly swimming in Obubu teas that I never finish in a timely manner. I realized that I have enough of their teas to fill a whole 24-day advent with no repeats, so here we are! :P I divided the teas into 4 groups of 6 teas each, just to try to avoid having multiple of the same type of tea in a row (say, 5 sencha in a row or something). And then I shuffled each group before adding them to my wooden Fortnum advent calendar from a couple of years ago.
Starting off with a classic! I love genmaicha, and really any genmaicha is good in my opinion. The rice just has such a lovely toasty flavor. But Obubu’s happens to be my favorite genmaicha! I think it’s because the rice is quite prominent, and has more of a complex and nutty roasted flavor than some others. The bancha is also very smooth – sometimes bancha can have a sort of sharpness to it, but this one is mellow and sweet without any of those sharp edges.
Wonderful cozy tea for relaxing after work… :)
Flavors: Butter, Dry Grass, Grain, Hay, Nutty, Rice, Roasted, Round, Smooth, Sweet, Toasted
Do you find the subscription box worth it? I hear you speak highly of the company and you’ve sent me a few teas years back, and I gave $$ to their recent kickstarter so I’ll get some teas from that, but always enjoy having excellent traditional/unflavored tea companies to buy from (Verdant Tea and white2tea are usually where I get mine from).
I love that idea for your DIY advent for your overstock. I could do that with Teavivre samples!
Great idea!
I really like having an unflavored advent, so I decided to make my own this year ha ha!
Do you find the subscription box worth it? I hear you speak highly of the company and you’ve sent me a few teas years back, and I gave $$ to their recent kickstarter so I’ll get some teas from that, but always enjoy having excellent traditional/unflavored tea companies to buy from (Verdant Tea and white2tea are usually where I get mine from).
I would say no, for the amount of money it’s probably not worth it to just do it for the tea. I mostly subscribe because I want to support them, and the tea is sort of a bonus. :P