So I’m going to make an effort to write shorter notes, as I find when I’m reading through others’ notes my eyes sort of glaze over when notes are longer, and I really enjoy those that are more concise.
I really enjoyed this one! It had such a light and mellow flavor with sweet dry grass, hay, and oats in the early steeps. A soft vegetal note, like edamame or lima beans was pervasive throughout, and a light floral appeared in the later steeps. Loved the gentle roasted-seaweed-like umami presence as well, and the refreshing astringency.
Light, soft, smooth, and comforting! Very different from the Spring sencha!
Flavors: Astringent, Dry Grass, Floral, Hay, Lima Beans, Oats, Sakura, Seaweed, Smooth, Soybean, Sweet, Umami, Vegetal
Your notes are always short anyway! I’ll take them any way they come.
Sometimes I look at my long notes and I’m like “Ugh.” But I don’t want to invest the effort to trim them down. First drafts for me.
I don’t think your notes are too long, but then I am probably one of the people making your eyes glaze over! Ha ha!
Long notes are fun to read although I’m a big read so I may be a tad biased? This one sounds so good!
Longer notes are more valuable usually! I get more into your feels about the tea; and I know I write long ones too.. and sometimes it may be boring; but sometimes even very short. Depends. Write them as long as you feel you aren’t confidident about it. I am like derk, first drafts. Trimming them down results in inconsistency of my writing-flow.
Your notes are always short anyway! I’ll take them any way they come.
Sometimes I look at my long notes and I’m like “Ugh.” But I don’t want to invest the effort to trim them down. First drafts for me.
I don’t find your notes too long, I actually quite enjoy them!
Aw thanks you two, you’re sweet!
I don’t think your notes are too long, but then I am probably one of the people making your eyes glaze over! Ha ha!
Long notes are fun to read although I’m a big read so I may be a tad biased? This one sounds so good!
Longer notes are more valuable usually! I get more into your feels about the tea; and I know I write long ones too.. and sometimes it may be boring; but sometimes even very short. Depends. Write them as long as you feel you aren’t confidident about it. I am like derk, first drafts. Trimming them down results in inconsistency of my writing-flow.
No, ashmanra, I love the details of your notes (and all the various note styles that everyone has!)