DAVIDsTEA Advent Calendar – Day 12
Halfway through advents already?! NOOOOOOOOO!
But seriously, I will miss having these little surprise tea gifts to open every day. Although I imagine it will be nice to be able to choose all of my teas and get in more sipdowns…
So I prepared this as a cold latte, whisking it with warm water and then pouring over ice with an equal-ish amount of milk. It didn’t quite all fit in my chosen glass, so I set some of the matcha-water mix aside. And I’m glad too, because I got distracted and let a lot of the ice melt in my latte, which watered it down (please note that this always happens when I have drinks with ice in them…). So I added some milk to the leftover matcha and now I have a nice little cup to sip on while writing this!
So I tried this straight and it mostly just tasted like powdered ginger to me, not really like gingerbread cookies at all. The milk does help to add a bit of cookie-ness, but still mostly ginger. I will say this one seems a bit less sweet to me, which is a positive. I’m not getting a ton of matcha flavor, just a touch of grassiness, but I think the ginger is probably overpowering it. There’s not much bitterness here either, for what it’s worth.
So definitely not my favorite, it’s a good one for lattes though because of the strong flavor.
So for jam, today it’s Cherry-Blackberry Spread. Yum, sounds scrumptious. I had a hard time spreading this one, it was a bit thin and didn’t want to cover very well because of the crushed berries. I think the blackberry has the upper hand here, despite the name. I get a delicious rich blackberry flavor with just a little bit of tart cherry. It’s delicious, but I think a little more cherry would be nice, otherwise it’s hard to tell it’s not just a blackberry jam!
(today’s advent teas: https://www.instagram.com/p/CItKDkWgMAT/)
Flavors: Ginger, Grass, Spicy, Sugar, Sweet
It didn’t even dawn on me that 12 meant we are halfway but something felt significant about today so that must be it lol
My Plum Deluxe advent hasn’t arrived yet. I suppose I could have a January advent. My sister’s bday is January 22 so if I start a couple days early, I could say I am counting down to her bday. I already say the December advents are a countdown to my brother’s bday lol.
It didn’t even dawn on me that 12 meant we are halfway but something felt significant about today so that must be it lol
You could always just buy 12 different advents and have one a month for the entire year…
I mean, I ended up doing 9 advents total this year, so I’m not far off… XD
My Plum Deluxe advent hasn’t arrived yet. I suppose I could have a January advent. My sister’s bday is January 22 so if I start a couple days early, I could say I am counting down to her bday. I already say the December advents are a countdown to my brother’s bday lol.
OMG! Is it still in the US? Because the postal service here is really behind and slow right now.