Side-by-side comparison with Ailaoshan Black by Whispering Pines

This sample came from Nicole, I think this is the last tea from the first box she sent me. I remembered that at one point, boychik had mentioned that she’d like to see a side-by-side comparison of this tea and Ailaoshan Black, so I thought why not? This was a single-serving sample, so I figured it’s now or never!

Visually, these two are nearly identical. The leaves are nearly black and they remind me of a smaller version of the “spider leg” Taiwanese Assam leaves. Same size leaves in both of these teas. I can’t comment on the dry scent, because my Ai Lao Mountain was in a zipper baggie and therefore lost most of its smell. Oh well! I brewed both teas in identical cups with identical infuser baskets. It was a 3 minute steep at 200 degrees with 3 grams of each tea (my sample of Ai Lao was 3 grams so I used the whole thing and matched the weight for Ailaoshan).

First, the smell-off! I found that both teas had strong dried fruit notes, but Ailaoshan’s were dark, syrupy fruits such as raisin, prune, and cherry, while Ai Lao had a lighter dried fruit profile (raisin still maybe, but paired with fig or golden raisin). Both teas had a strong molasses aroma, and an interesting herbal or spice hint that I couldn’t quite place. The biggest differences I noticed between the two: Ai Lao had a little wisp of floral dancing around which was absent from Ailaoshan. In contrast, Ailaoshan had an obvious dark caramelized sugar scent that was divine! So far, pretty similar but each with its own flair.

On to the taste-off! There is also similarity here: both teas have a nice bready quality, although I would say it’s stronger in Ailaoshan. Also, both teas have strong molasses-ish rich flavor and that same dastardly unidentified herb/spice note! Does it bother anyone else when they can’t identify a flavor? Harumph! Both are fruity teas, but in quite different ways. The Ai Lao has a tangier dried fruit flavor – think prunes, maybe with a bit of something tangier, like tamarind maybe? Meanwhile, Ailaoshan has a much sweeter, almost jammy cherry and blackberry flavor, which was a surprise to me considering the aroma! Just like the aroma, the Ai Lao has a (fairly strong) floral element, which unfortunately translates into a slightly soapy aftertaste for me. Ailaoshan retains that lovely dark caramelized sugar that I noticed in scent form, and it goes very nicely with the dark bread notes and the fruit. I noticed as Ailaoshan cooled, it developed a woody taste that was not at all unpleasant. The Ai Lao tastes almost the same cool as it did hot, maybe with a bit more of that soapiness at the end.

In conclusion… These two teas are far more different in flavor than I would expect. Yes, they have several similar notes, but the ones that are different affect those similar notes in a way that makes them taste dissimilar in the end. I would almost describe these as being the corporeal and the ethereal form of the same tea. The Ailaoshan Black would be the corporeal version, with its earthier dark sugar, wood, and dark bread flavors. Therefore, the Ai Lao Mountain becomes its ethereal counterpart, with its lighter and whimsical floral element combined with the mild tang of the fruits.

Hah, that probably makes no sense, but I’m sticking with it! Overall, my preference is for the Ailaoshan Black, but considering I’m not a fan of floral, I consider myself to be biased in that regard. :P

Flavors: Bread, Dried Fruit, Floral, Herbs, Molasses, Raisins, Tangy

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

awesome review! like a pro

Cameron B.

Thanks for the idea, it was really fun! :D And I’m glad you liked the result!


this is a brilliant review that is incredibly useful. That mystery note….it wasn’t cannabis, was it? I seem to get that note off quite a few of these dark fujian black teas….

Cameron B.

donkeytiara, I’m glad you like it! And I don’t think so, it seemed more like a spice to me, fennel or coriander or something like that. I’m not sure I would recognize cannabis as a flavor though.


I’m not the only one to get that note from tea?! I get it sometimes from dark and roasty teas, and it makes me feel like I’m going crazy.


The cannabis note? Cameron, I don’t know what it tastes like, but it smells just like you’re at a concert… and the dude next to you is smoking a joint. I got it most strongly in Laoshan Black from Verdant and Bailin gongfu from TeaVivre. It pops up every so often in Fujian blacks for me…no, Mandy, you’re not nuts! It’s even in the drop down flavors when you review tea ~ and I didn’t put it there! :)

Cameron B.

Oh okay, definitely not then. :P


See I even tried looking for marijuana as a flavor option, and didn’t see it so I figured I must be crazy! Haha


You should do these blind, so any preference toward the company doesn’t come out ;)

Cameron B.

To be honest, my preference would be more toward Yunnan Sourcing. :P

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awesome review! like a pro

Cameron B.

Thanks for the idea, it was really fun! :D And I’m glad you liked the result!


this is a brilliant review that is incredibly useful. That mystery note….it wasn’t cannabis, was it? I seem to get that note off quite a few of these dark fujian black teas….

Cameron B.

donkeytiara, I’m glad you like it! And I don’t think so, it seemed more like a spice to me, fennel or coriander or something like that. I’m not sure I would recognize cannabis as a flavor though.


I’m not the only one to get that note from tea?! I get it sometimes from dark and roasty teas, and it makes me feel like I’m going crazy.


The cannabis note? Cameron, I don’t know what it tastes like, but it smells just like you’re at a concert… and the dude next to you is smoking a joint. I got it most strongly in Laoshan Black from Verdant and Bailin gongfu from TeaVivre. It pops up every so often in Fujian blacks for me…no, Mandy, you’re not nuts! It’s even in the drop down flavors when you review tea ~ and I didn’t put it there! :)

Cameron B.

Oh okay, definitely not then. :P


See I even tried looking for marijuana as a flavor option, and didn’t see it so I figured I must be crazy! Haha


You should do these blind, so any preference toward the company doesn’t come out ;)

Cameron B.

To be honest, my preference would be more toward Yunnan Sourcing. :P

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Hi, I’m Cameron!

I’m a 30-something software engineer currently living in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two pugs, Gobo and Ume. I tend to cycle between my different hobbies, and they include piano, knitting, video games, board games, miniature painting, planners, bento, Korean skincare, and – of course – TEA! But really, what I’m best at is “collecting” hobby-related things… ;)

- February sipdowns: 5
- Total 2025 sipdowns: 39

I prefer my tea lukewarm or at room temperature and without milk or sugar. I steep Western style, and fluctuate between using big mugs or small teapots depending on the season.

I am always up for a swap! Just let me know if you’d like to try something in my cupboard.

Tea Preferences:
I enjoy both flavored and unflavored teas in many forms. These days, I drink mostly flavored teas, and I tend to gravitate most toward black, green, oolong, and herbal varieties. I do have a special fondness for straight Japanese green teas, however.

I do not sweeten my teas, and pre-sweetened teas are usually too sweet for me. I also do not enjoy stevia (or monkfruit, etc.).

I tend to reach for fruitier flavors rather than desserty ones these days, but I do have favorites from both categories. Willing to try anything once! There are a few ingredients/flavors that aren’t generally my jam, such as coconut, rose, lavender, and chocolate flavoring. But I also have teas that I love with some of those things, too! :)

Favorite Companies:
3 Leaf
Bird & Blend
Dammann Frères
Harney & Sons
Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms
Old Barrel Tea Co
Simpson & Vail
Taiwan Tea Crafts

Tea Rating Scale:
90-100: Outstanding! Permanent cupboard resident
80-89: Great – a possible staple
70-79: Good, but I wouldn’t buy it
60-69: It’s decent
50-59: Meh… I may or may not have finished the cup
40-49: Ick. Couldn’t finish it.
00-39: Repulsive, I spat it out

I will sometimes refrain from rating a tea if I feel I’m too biased due to my personal dislikes, or if I suspect the sample has been compromised by age or scent contamination.

Cupboard Spreadsheet:


Austin, Texas



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