639 Tasting Notes
I’m in a lot of trouble guys. My cupboard is back over 200 different teas. O_O I’m definitely going to have to start a new sipdown extravaganza. I think I only made it to #24 on the last one before insanity took over. *Sigh.
ANYHOO…I have been neglecting my tea stash a lot lately. Oh, it’s been growing. But I haven’t been drinking it. LOL! So even though I got home super late tonight, I’m exhausted, and all I want to do is wash my face and crawl into bed, I am going to drink some tea damn it!
The dry leaf aroma is a little wonky. It’s strongly chemical smelling. I’ve had this happen before with 52teas’ blends, and I find that the chemical aroma dissipates if left alone for a week or two. So, I’m not overly concerned at the moment. I think it’ll calm down soon.
In my opinion, 52teas has been kind of chintzy on the toasted rice in their genmaicha blends in the past. Well, that is NOT the case with this one! It is chock full of toasted rice and popped kernels, along with plenty of marshmallow root bits and a few freeze-dried strawberry pieces. The brewed tea aroma is very buttery and toasty. It smells like the perfect genmaicha!
I steeped this one at a lower temp than usual. I think I generally steep greens at 185°. This one probably could have benefited from the extra 10 degrees. It is very light on flavor while the tea is in my mouth. But then, BAM! Flavor socks me in the mouth in the aftertaste! It’s toasty and sweet and definitely strongly strawberry. I’m getting a lovely roasted flavor from the base, as well as a recognizable marshmallow treat yum factor. It’s seriously like biting into a warm, gooey Rice Krispies treat! Then the strawberry kicks in and pulls the whole flavor profile together.
This is delicious! Mouthwateringly good. I am thoroughly enjoying this one and very glad that I picked up a pouch. Suuuuper de-lish!
DISCLAIMER: Cussing ahead.
My husband just got Dark Souls II. So you know what that means…It’s oolong time!! I first discovered green oolongs when my husband was playing Dark Souls. I’d drink tea and blog about it while watching him play. Those were good times. To this day, whenever I smell or taste oolong, it reminds me of my husband and Dark Souls. So in commemoration of those beloved times, I shall drink oolong again as he embarks on his new journey in Drangleic.
Upon hearing an all-too-familiar sound, I glance up to see “YOU DIED” flash across the screen and my husband say, “F***ing thing! I was so careful too.” LOL! The fun has begun! After dying the second time, a mere 30 seconds later, he says, “Wow. That was bullshit. Very well game. Very well.” Cliffs are my husband’s bane. “Well, this is slightly embarrassing,” he laughs upon falling to his doom. “I haven’t even fought anyone yet.”
Finally, he reaches the Emerald Herald and has the chance to level up. At the level up screen, he pauses the cursor over VGR and END and says, “Viagra. Endurance. Gonna’ need both of these.” Then he glances sideways at me and pauses for a reaction. LOL! He’s so crazy. I swear, he could be on his own reality TV show because he’s so entertaining. In any event, the tea is cool enough to drink now!
This is a lighter, more buttery, less floral oolong than the oolongs I usually drink. It’s good! My mouth waters in between sips, prompting me to drink more. I’m already at the bottom of the cup, so I’m off to make a second infusion for 2.5 minutes. The leaves are fully open, large, green, unbroken leaves, some even still attached to 2-inch long stems. I don’t know how they rolled such a giant, sturdy stem into those tiny little balls that came out of the package. Surprisingly, this cup isn’t more flavorful than the first, as is usually the case with oolongs. I definitely liked that first cup better. I’m going to steep the third cup for a full 5 minutes because it’s getting late and it will likely be my last this evening.
By the way, for anyone who’s interested, video game javelinas are strong as shit. The blood stains on the ground confirm it. Death is a common occurrence in the Dark Souls games. To put this into perspective, there have been 1,905,148 deaths worldwide since this game was released less than 24 hours ago.
Back to the tea. This third cup tastes a little metallic, like licking a penny. Is this what people call mineral notes? It’s not bad, but I don’t think I’m a fan of minerals. I prefer buttery, vegetal, and floral notes. Overall, this is a delicious tea. It’s definitely not like the other oolongs I’ve had, so that’s exciting. I enjoy trying new things. Big thanks to Teavivre for providing this free sample! Y’all are always so generous. There were a surprisingly large number of samples in that deceivingly small box. ;)
I’ll leave you with my husband’s last comment as he waltzed up to the first boss in the game. It was a tree giant with a hole where its face should have been. My husband said, “It’s an asshole monster. He’s gonna’ shit all over me.” Then he proceeded to rape it. Victory achieved on his first try.
I believe I have two guayusa teas in my cupboard right now: this one and The Killer’s Vanilla (also by Butiki). Recently, my husband asked for something really caffeinated. I thought guayusa would do the trick, so I gave him both aforementioned blends to smell the dry aroma. He assertively chose this one. He’s so right. This tea is just so much better than The Killer’s Vanilla (IMO obviously). This tea is apple-y and yummy and not too earthy from the base. Don’t be afraid to overleaf it as it ages. I used 1.5 tsp but it could have benefited from a little extra since it’s now over a year old.
On a completely different and random note…have any of you seen a chiropractor for wellness care?
I had two adjustments in February and my third appointment is later today. I don’t know how I feel about it. There appears to be very little scientific evidence to prove its benefits in wellness care. And by very little, I mean virtually none. I asked her to send me some, and all her links were about benefits for people with back or neck pain. The one article she sent me that wasn’t for back pain made completely unfounded statements based on case studies involving one patient that ultimately amount to anecdotal “potential impacts.” I feel like the entire idea of keeping your spine perfectly aligned when you’re only being adjusted once a month is absurd. I feel and hear my back pop all the time. How much of a benefit am I really getting if my spine is perfectly aligned for only an hour? I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I think I’m leaning towards not continuing it. It’s hard to justify the cost when I don’t see an apparent value in it. I also strongly, wholeheartedly disagree with some of the stuff my chiropractor told me (in regards to lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition choices). I’m really a very healthy person. Much healthier than the average American. I’m not saying I don’t have anywhere to improve, but some of her suggestions were just plain wrong from my research and experience.
Oh great, and now I just Googled one of the supplements she advised that I take and it turns out it can decrease the effect of antibiotics, which might explain why I’m STILL recovering from Strep throat after being on them for 6 days. Sigh. That’s not her fault, but it does kind of feel like the last nail in the coffin. Does anyone have any chiropractor stories to tell me?
Yeah, I don’t know. I haven’t gone to a chiropractor before because I’m skeptical. I’ve heard mixed opinions about it by those who have gone to one. I think it depends on the chiropractor. My grandma apparently found a good one who does really subtle adjustments, but then again, I’ve heard stories from others who claim it’s made their problems worse.
It’s true there is very little scientific evidence, and as with all those things I say, ‘Do it if it helps.’ Generally, though, most people I’ve known to praise the effects have felt said effects right from the start. My friend had an experience similar to yours very recently and decided to call it quits after the third appointment.
I used to go to a chiropractor a few times a week. Had to quit going after insurance changed. I think it wildly depends on the chiropractor that you get. I was lucky enough to have an amazing chiropractor who was very well known and worked for a major football team (I don’t remember which team since I know nothing about football). He had a few legit medical degrees and was currently working on a neurology degree. He was absolutely amazing. I’ve been in an insane amount of car accidents and my back and neck are just wrecked as well as my spine alignment. After a month, my spine was straightened in a resting position, I no longer needed to crack my back, and I just felt so much better. I really think you need to go a lot at first to really see the full effects. I definitely felt amazingly better when leaving the office at first but would start to feel pain again the next day. The doctor said that is because the muscles aren’t there to support the alignment but after following the exercises he gave me and going regularly, I noticed that my spine was much more aligned and the pain stopped. I don’t know if going to the chiropractor really has any benefit if you already feel good.
I had the equivalent of a chiropratic treatment when I was a baby because for some reason I would only crawl backwards when I learned to crawl. According to my mom it was because I had not gone through all of the natural adjustments you go through when going through the birth canal as I was a C-section baby. Afterwards I did crawl forwards, so I guess it worked:)
I have seen chiropractors for other issues,but lately I start with massage and accupunture/acupressure first as I have the most success with it when I have back issues.
I would rather do massage but $90 out of pocket vs $15 out of pocket… I’m going to see a chiro. I have a really good one I see who recommends exercises and stretches and does some acupressure/assisted stretching. I have a pretty good one I see when the really good one isn’t available who does muscle release stuff.
If they suggest stretches/exercises, do them gently. I’ve been doing stretches and strengthening for my lower back for a couple years regularly, and am finally mostly pain free. I spent 10+ years in pain because I didn’t bother… Boy do I regret that!
Thanks to Sil for this one! I think I may have diluted it a little too much. It’s been so long since I made matcha, I forgot how to do it! :P I guess two scoops in one cup of water isn’t the right ratio.
I’m mostly getting a watery matcha flavor. I can’t say there’s any distinctive crème brulée flavoring going on in this cup (although “distinctive” is the flavoring level). It’s maybe a little sweeter than unflavored matcha. No cream. No custard. No real vanilla or caramelized sugar to speak of either.
Okay, so I just made another batch with more rounded scoops and a little less water. This one is definitely thicker and stouter. However, I’m still getting grassy matcha as the primary flavor. Perhaps custard cream and burnt sugar is a little too hard to pull off in tea form. This is good, but not what I was expecting. As a crème brulée matcha, it leaves something to be desired.
The last time I had this tea, my father-in-law was having heart attacks due to a clogged artery. I asked for your prayers and miraculously, he was healed and made a full recovery. Now five months later, I’m going through my own health battle and I’m asking for your prayers again. May this tea bring me good fortune as it did before.
I added a splash of skim milk. The aroma is very flowery and fruity. I looked up the fruits this time and the description says strawberry and rhubarb. I can definitely taste that. It’s kind of like drinking a flowery, rhubarb pie in tea form. There’s something a little reminiscent of wax in here, similar to chapstick or poor quality lip gloss. But that really only comes into play in the aftertaste.
I re-steeped the leaves for 6 minutes, added a splash of skim milk, and some Truvia. The flavors are all still going strong! Although that waxy element is still apparent as well. The tea is perhaps a little less flowery, but that added sweetener could have changed the flavor profile in this direction. I’m definitely enjoying this cup, but I think I preferred it without the Truvia. It’s much too sugary now, and I usually prefer things on the sugary side. But I think it’s overpowering the base, the flowers, the fruit, and just about everything else that’s going on.
This second cup tastes mainly of sugary strawberry lip gloss. Overall, it is a very enjoyable cuppa if you like flowery teas, which luckily I do. Upping the rating from 74 to 76. Big thanks to JustJames for giving me this sample!
The dry leaf aroma is heavy on the chocolate, almost like chocolate liqueur. The brewed tea aroma is recognizably Frank’s black tea base. It smells a lot like Pancake Breakfast, which is by far my most drunk blend from 52teas. It also smells faintly of something sweet. Almost a fruity kind of sweetness, like raisins. Weird.
First sip…hmm, this is odd. It tastes like Pancake Breakfast too. I think this needs some sweetener to awaken the flavors. I added a splash of skim milk and a good bit of Truvia. What is this supposed to taste like? There’s maybe, maybe a chocolate-esque flavor going on here, but it is very light and almost dusty tasting. Like chocolate that’s sat in the cupboard for too long and has lost its punch. Where has the chocolaty goodness gone? :(
If I imagine the sweetness I added is supposed to be caramel, I can kind of make it taste like that. But really, I’m just getting a generic, light black tea. Booo! This sucks. I wonder if I let my pouch sit for too long before trying it…This has been out for a while. I apparently bought it at the beginning of September! Holy cow!
So maybe this is no fault of Frank’s. Still, I am rather disappointed. I thought for sure that chocolate, caramel, and cheesecake would make for an AWESOME tea combination. I know this tea could be stellar. Frank’s Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake is to die for! Alas, this is just nowhere near that. Here’s hoping this isn’t a trend because I just made a sizeable purchase from 52teas, including three chocolate teas and one caramel tea.
All in all, I bought 8 new teas. O_O Yeeeaaahh, that’s totally not helping my overflowing cupboard problem. Well, one is a gift for a friend and three are only iced teas. So those will should go quickly. Wow, that was a long digression. ANYWAY. I will write another note if my opinion changes on this one. For now, it’s just so-so and is rated accordingly.
A tea’s flavor shouldn’t change that much in short a time. I’ve definitely had this issue with 52 teas in the past, it’s just a sign of poor quality :(
I had some of the Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake after this cup, and it was noticeably less delicious than I remember. So, I’m pretty sure this would have tasted better when it was fresher. I agree with what you said too though. 52teas’ blends don’t last as long as some of the other teas in my cupboard.
In general, I’m not usually a fan of The Republic of Tea. Their tea bags don’t have strings, which I find very annoying and unhelpful, and they usually brew a barely flavored cup of water. So, why did I purchase a tin of 50 tea bags the last time I was in the local market? I don’t know. Something about the graphic on the tin and the name, Comfort and Joy, just called to me.
Well, if I try and compare this tea to any full-leaf, loose variety I have in my cupboard, it’s not going to stand up to the competition. Yet somehow, I find that I’ve been really enjoying this tea for what it is: a simple, easy-to-brew, nothing-to-clean-up-afterwards, perfect-for-the-evenings cup of tea.
Since I have a pair of tea tongs, I’ve gotten over the fact that the bag doesn’t have a string. And really, there’s nothing easier than sticking some water in the microwave and popping a bag of this tea into a mug for 5 minutes. When it’s done, I toss the tea bag and there’s no further clean-up necessary! I always use a dishwasher-safe mug, so there’s really nothing easier when I’m in the mood for a simple cup of tea and don’t feel like going through my normal, more involved brewing process and the clean-up that’s required afterwards.
It is rather lackluster in the flavor department, so I brew one teabag in about 6 ounces of water. This produces an enjoyable cup that usually disappears quickly. The flavor profile is mainly orange peel and cloves with a light, smooth, black tea base and a hint of licorice. I actually quite like it! It’s plain and simple and doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not. I can sit back and drink it without feeling like I have to analyze the cup and take notes or otherwise confer a lot of attention on it.
I just sip and relax and concentrate on something else, like a TV show or movie that I’m watching with my husband, as my cat curls up on my lap and purrs contentedly until he drifts off to sleep. Drinkable? Absolutely. Comforting? Yes, indeed. I may not stock it forever, but I am definitely enjoying this tea for the moment.
I’m feeling really broken today. Drained, defeated, devastated. If only tea could cure what ails me. “There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark.” – Aragorn
I burnt my entire mouth yesterday on homemade beef stew, so it probably wasn’t smart to try out a new tea this morning. I think I may have about 2 taste buds left on my tongue. From the little I can taste, this may be the perfect breakfast tea. Thanks to Sil for this sample!
oh no- have you been to the dentist? i did the same thing once. they put me on this mouthwash for a month. everything came back, though i couldn’t eat anything solid for a week.
feel better!
Thanks all. My mouth isn’t that bad. It’s already almost fully healed. But I got some bad news on Monday that hit me really hard, thus the over dramatic opening to this note. Life pretty much couldn’t get any worse right now, but I suppose there’s no point in wallowing in it either. :/
Thanks to Sil for this sample! This tea is heavy on the Assam, so I had to add milk and Truvia to calm things down a bit. It’s much more drinkable this way. Five minutes later and I can feel the caffeine jolt my system awake. Wow, I’m alert now!
This is a great first thing in the morning cuppa. Super strong and super bold. Meanwhile, my purr cat is keeping my feet warm. :) http://instagram.com/p/kPc4ZMF-px/
On another note, I just checked out this new “Flavors” section of the tasting note log. If you just click in the box, a dropdown menu appears with a ton of options. Curious, I scrolled through and found, among other things, “Roasted Chicken.” What tea tastes like roasted chicken??!
Wow, I’ve been MIA from Steepster for a couple months due to dealing with life. I come back and find a bunch of amazing site updates AND a LivingSocial deal for Steepster Select about 5 minutes before it expires! Sweet! What a great, unexpected welcome back! I can’t wait to try out Steepster Select. :)
Thanks to Courtney for this sample! I don’t really remember it, as I drank it quite a while ago during my unintended hiatus from Steepster. But I took the following notes while enjoying it: “creamy, flavorful, pumpkin-y, delicious.” I guess I liked it! :P I’ll give it the same rating as what the Steepster average is right now. It’s good to be back! :D
Sipdown extravaganza!