I’m in a lot of trouble guys. My cupboard is back over 200 different teas. O_O I’m definitely going to have to start a new sipdown extravaganza. I think I only made it to #24 on the last one before insanity took over. *Sigh.
ANYHOO…I have been neglecting my tea stash a lot lately. Oh, it’s been growing. But I haven’t been drinking it. LOL! So even though I got home super late tonight, I’m exhausted, and all I want to do is wash my face and crawl into bed, I am going to drink some tea damn it!
The dry leaf aroma is a little wonky. It’s strongly chemical smelling. I’ve had this happen before with 52teas’ blends, and I find that the chemical aroma dissipates if left alone for a week or two. So, I’m not overly concerned at the moment. I think it’ll calm down soon.
In my opinion, 52teas has been kind of chintzy on the toasted rice in their genmaicha blends in the past. Well, that is NOT the case with this one! It is chock full of toasted rice and popped kernels, along with plenty of marshmallow root bits and a few freeze-dried strawberry pieces. The brewed tea aroma is very buttery and toasty. It smells like the perfect genmaicha!
I steeped this one at a lower temp than usual. I think I generally steep greens at 185°. This one probably could have benefited from the extra 10 degrees. It is very light on flavor while the tea is in my mouth. But then, BAM! Flavor socks me in the mouth in the aftertaste! It’s toasty and sweet and definitely strongly strawberry. I’m getting a lovely roasted flavor from the base, as well as a recognizable marshmallow treat yum factor. It’s seriously like biting into a warm, gooey Rice Krispies treat! Then the strawberry kicks in and pulls the whole flavor profile together.
This is delicious! Mouthwateringly good. I am thoroughly enjoying this one and very glad that I picked up a pouch. Suuuuper de-lish!
Sipdown extravaganza!