Shae Advent Day 20
I’m not home, so I made this using water of an unknown temperature, and I steeped it for longer to try to make up for that, but that may have been a mistake because it tastes a little oversteeped now. Luckily Shae sent extra so I can try again later! The scent reminds me of marzipan, and that’s the flavor I’m getting most strongly too. I’m not fancy enough to recognize saffron when I taste it, but I do taste something unfamiliar, so maybe that’s the saffron! This one is interesting and different, and I’m enjoying it with some milk.
This one seemed interesting to me, but I don’t really know what saffron tastes like either.
Saffron is generally described as having a sweet floral or earthy taste. Personally I find it more earthy than floral; but a sort of “clean fresh earthiness” if that makes sense?