1024 Tasting Notes
Goodbye, you beautiful bastard. It’s fair that you almost destroyed my cooktop on our final rendezvous. Ok fine so technically I was the one to almost destroy the cooktop because I forgot how quickly milk can bubble up but whatEVER.
You were delicious and I’ll miss you. Thanks to Hobart’s weirdo weather for being freezing today on my lazy day off and thanks to me for actually having milk in the fridge for once.
Last week I celebrated my third anniversary of moving to Tasmania. I celebrated by going to a whisky and sherry tasting event and getting heinously drunk. Oops.
The next morning my friends dragged me out to brunch despite my desperately hungover state, and for the first time ever when hungover, I craved sugary, milky black tea. I’ve never wanted tea when hungover before but that morning it was all I wanted (… and lots of bacon). I got it and it did not disappoint. It was so delicious and just what I wanted and needed.
Since then I’ve been on a bit of a sugary, milky black tea bender (not as badly as the night that caused the following day’s craving, a little more drawn out) and this is the beast that’s been in my cupboard and seeing me through this phase. Good job. Hits the spot. What a treat.
So a couple of weeks ago at work I ended up on a computer with a huge screen right as Rabbit Hole emailed about a brand new tea and I just couldn’t resist so I bought a bunch of samples, FINALLY! And then just after they arrived I caught a cold… so I was pretty stoked to have ordered this guy. I think “cold/flu” teas are more of a placebo than anything, but I still love them, and this one was no exception to that love.