How much DID you spend on tea in 2014?

440 Replies
Sil select said

April Update

Budget: $600 Prediction: $1000
January Purchases – 174.70 USD 20.00 CAD
February Purchases – 76.13 USD
March – None

April Purchases
Looking at Verdant for restocks, Herbal Infusions for Cacao. Butiki for new blends….

Damn Fine Tea 87.75
Bayswater – 25.50 CAD
Steam – 21.50 CAD
Teaja – 17.50 CAD
Tea Time – 29.50 CAD
Blue Teapot – 12.80 CAD
Mandala – 91.00 USD

Running Total 2014 – 429.58 USD 126.80 CAD

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TeaLady441 said

Updated for April
Prediction: $750
Revised Prediction: $1200

January TOTAL: $234.66
February TOTAL: $213.00
March TOTAL: $125.00

April Purchases:
Damn Fine Tea: $76
Amoda: $12
Simple Loose Leaf: $6
Whispering Pines: 25

Running Total: 691.66

Considering that March was new tea/teaware at DavidsTea, and that that’s where I spent most of my tea budget, I feel I’m doing ok. I’m spending less per month? Let’s keep slowing down!

ETA: I’m done for April!
Also, at 666.66, I should be done for A WHILE! That’s awesome!

Sil select said

Remember when you said you were done for a while…and you were done in april…you thought wrong :)

TeaLady441 said

Hahaha. Yeah. I guess I should add Whispering Pines to that and whatever I split with you
IDK if I really want to see what my final total will be for the year…

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Honestly the answer is too much. I’m not buying more as i’m now running out of room for it all…. we need a bigger house! Thats the answer

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March is over and I didn’t spend anything?!?!! Yaaaaay! :D

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Dinosara said

April Update:

(Budget: $50/mo)
January Total: $77
February Total: $78
March Total: $41
April Estimate: $17

Zeks said

17$ for fresh 2014 tea purchases ?:) do you believe that ?:)

Dinosara said

Haha, that’s just my Verdant Blends club that I know I will spend. It’s true that April can be a dangerous month with all the new harvests…

Dinosara said

April add-on: $33 at Naivetea
April running total: $50

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TheKesser said

These are estimates for me as I don’t have the receipts anymore. Gotta destroy the evidence of my tea purchases ;)

Jan: $38
Feb: $25 for a mug in Mexico. Don’t know if I should count this as it’s tea ware, but I did buy it specially to drink tea in…
March: $52
April: $40ish plus $29.

Total: $184 ($159 without the mug)
I’m about half way to my estimate ($300) and it’s only April. That can’t be a good sign… And we’ll have to see what summer teas David’s Tea comes out… plus the tea of the month for April is really good… sigh

TheKesser said

Add $60 to April’s amount…
‘Sigh’ I’m officially at $244, or $219 not including the mug. I think I’m going to take the mug off of my amount. It makes me feel a bit better… either way… it’s the end of April and I’m pretty close to my goal for the year. I think I’m going to spend closer to $500 or $550.

TheKesser said

Nothing for May… That feels pretty darn good! But June will have some purchases. Davidstea is releasing a second summer tea collection, plus I want a couple of the 250g tins, and I’m hoping I can get the tea of the month… oy!

TheKesser said

June: $55 from Davidstea’s Carnival collection
$25 from the place a couple blocks away (they sell metropolitan tea company teas)
Total: $325. Officially over budget. :( But can’t help myself…

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Nettie said

Budget: Hoping to keep it under $200
So far this year (for 2 tea drinkers):

Prestogeorge (local): $20
70g Ebay Matcha: $2.22
Red Leaf sample: $2.32
Red Leaf: $30.80
Margaret’s Fine Imports (local): $7 (gift cert)


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Dr Jim said

I didn’t quite make it to April without spending anything. I bought a few samples plus TTBox postage. Total so far $40 out of $500 budget. Good, but I’m getting twitchy. I keep browsing tea websites, and I think I will succumb to the next really good sale.

One day later: April order to Yunnan Sourcing. New total $83.

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MelissaTea said

January total – $35.90
February Total – $14.45

March Total- $15.00 (I bought a RueLaLa deal for Kusmi tea for $15 which I plan to use later. I also bought some tea from Adagio with a gift card I had from last year, so I won’t count that.)

Total this year $65.35

(My budget for the year was estimated at $200. At this rate, I will spend my $200 by September and will have spent a total of $261.40 by the end of Dec.)

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2014 total year budget: $450

January total: $66

February total: $68.01
Arbor Teas: $32.87
Butiki: $21
Harney&Sons: $14.14

March Total: $12.95
Bamboo Leaf tea: $12.95

April Total $37.64
Butiki Teas: $21.74
Bamboo leaf tea: $15.9

Year Total: $184.60

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