April Update
Budget: $600 Prediction: $1000
January Purchases – 174.70 USD 20.00 CAD
February Purchases – 76.13 USD
March – None
April Purchases
Looking at Verdant for restocks, Herbal Infusions for Cacao. Butiki for new blends….
Damn Fine Tea 87.75
Bayswater – 25.50 CAD
Steam – 21.50 CAD
Teaja – 17.50 CAD
Tea Time – 29.50 CAD
Blue Teapot – 12.80 CAD
Mandala – 91.00 USD
Running Total 2014 – 429.58 USD 126.80 CAD
Updated for April
Prediction: $750
Revised Prediction: $1200
January TOTAL: $234.66
February TOTAL: $213.00
March TOTAL: $125.00
April Purchases:
Damn Fine Tea: $76
Amoda: $12
Simple Loose Leaf: $6
Whispering Pines: 25
Running Total: 691.66
Considering that March was new tea/teaware at DavidsTea, and that that’s where I spent most of my tea budget, I feel I’m doing ok. I’m spending less per month? Let’s keep slowing down!
ETA: I’m done for April!
Also, at 666.66, I should be done for A WHILE! That’s awesome!
Remember when you said you were done for a while…and you were done in april…you thought wrong :)
Hahaha. Yeah. I guess I should add Whispering Pines to that and whatever I split with you
IDK if I really want to see what my final total will be for the year…
Honestly the answer is too much. I’m not buying more as i’m now running out of room for it all…. we need a bigger house! Thats the answer
March is over and I didn’t spend anything?!?!! Yaaaaay! :D
April Update:
(Budget: $50/mo)
January Total: $77
February Total: $78
March Total: $41
April Estimate: $17
17$ for fresh 2014 tea purchases ?:) do you believe that ?:)
Haha, that’s just my Verdant Blends club that I know I will spend. It’s true that April can be a dangerous month with all the new harvests…
April add-on: $33 at Naivetea
April running total: $50
These are estimates for me as I don’t have the receipts anymore. Gotta destroy the evidence of my tea purchases ;)
Jan: $38
Feb: $25 for a mug in Mexico. Don’t know if I should count this as it’s tea ware, but I did buy it specially to drink tea in…
March: $52
April: $40ish plus $29.
Total: $184 ($159 without the mug)
I’m about half way to my estimate ($300) and it’s only April. That can’t be a good sign… And we’ll have to see what summer teas David’s Tea comes out… plus the tea of the month for April is really good… sigh
Add $60 to April’s amount…
‘Sigh’ I’m officially at $244, or $219 not including the mug. I think I’m going to take the mug off of my amount. It makes me feel a bit better… either way… it’s the end of April and I’m pretty close to my goal for the year. I think I’m going to spend closer to $500 or $550.
Nothing for May… That feels pretty darn good! But June will have some purchases. Davidstea is releasing a second summer tea collection, plus I want a couple of the 250g tins, and I’m hoping I can get the tea of the month… oy!
June: $55 from Davidstea’s Carnival collection
$25 from the place a couple blocks away (they sell metropolitan tea company teas)
Total: $325. Officially over budget. :( But can’t help myself…
Budget: Hoping to keep it under $200
So far this year (for 2 tea drinkers):
Prestogeorge (local): $20
70g Ebay Matcha: $2.22
Red Leaf sample: $2.32
Red Leaf: $30.80
Margaret’s Fine Imports (local): $7 (gift cert)
I didn’t quite make it to April without spending anything. I bought a few samples plus TTBox postage. Total so far $40 out of $500 budget. Good, but I’m getting twitchy. I keep browsing tea websites, and I think I will succumb to the next really good sale.
One day later: April order to Yunnan Sourcing. New total $83.
January total – $35.90
February Total – $14.45
March Total- $15.00 (I bought a RueLaLa deal for Kusmi tea for $15 which I plan to use later. I also bought some tea from Adagio with a gift card I had from last year, so I won’t count that.)
Total this year $65.35
(My budget for the year was estimated at $200. At this rate, I will spend my $200 by September and will have spent a total of $261.40 by the end of Dec.)
2014 total year budget: $450
January total: $66
February total: $68.01
Arbor Teas: $32.87
Butiki: $21
Harney&Sons: $14.14
March Total: $12.95
Bamboo Leaf tea: $12.95
April Total $37.64
Butiki Teas: $21.74
Bamboo leaf tea: $15.9
Year Total: $184.60
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