How much DID you spend on tea in 2014?

440 Replies

I bought a steeper ball last month. So that makes $5 (plus tax) this year.

And $6 for tea samples this month. Making my total so far eleven bucks.

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I think I’ve done pretty good for myself this year, so far.
Feb – $40 at the Toronto Tea Festival
March – $10 at David’s Tea (trying to use up my gift card)
April – So far none!
Goal for the year: $150

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Sil select said

May Update

Budget: $600 Prediction: $1000…proooobably need to change my prediction to closer to 2k lol

January Purchases – 174.70 USD 20.00 CAD
February Purchases – 76.13 USD
March – None
April – 178.75 USD 106.80 CAD

May Purchases (181.44 total so far)
Looking at Verdant for restocks on blends and Butiki for new blends…

Verdant – 63.25 USD
Butiki – 54.61 USD
Lupicia – 63.58 USD

Running Total 2014 – 611.02 USD 126.80 CAD

Sil select said

eep… sooo it’s looking like my average is about 175/month so…2100 a year? crap. lol

TeaLady441 said

At least Feb/March were super awesome! That’s gotta pull you down!

OMGsrsly said

I got so overwhelmed by swaps I haven’t actually bought much tea. Seeing what you have here, and then seeing how you’re managing to keep your numbers down is INCREDIBLE, Sil!

Sil select said

Thanks for making me feel better OMGsrsly :)

OMGsrsly said

LOL. You inspire us all, etc. :D

boychik said

I can’t do a single sipdown:(

Sil select said

yes you can! you can dooo eeet!

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MelissaTea said

January total – $35.90
February Total – $14.45
March Total- $15.00

April (most expensive so far) – $25 (traveling tea box shipping & contributions) + $41.55 (ESP)=$66.55

Total this year $131.90

(My budget for the year was estimated at $200. m at $32.975 per month now. I’If I keep going at this rate this rate, I will spend my $200 by the beginning of August and will have spent a total of $395.70 by the end of Dec.)

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Alright – I really do need to do this. If for no other reason than that it keeps me accountable.

I have an Excel spreadsheet from 2011 onwards tracking my tea purchases. In 2011 and ’12 I spent $400-ish, but once I got a steady job at the end of 2012, my purchases skyrocketed and I ended up spending $650 in 2013.

So far this year, as of May 4 (today), I have spent $268 so am on track to spend $700+(!?) this year. I would REALLY like to whittle that down to 500 max, so hopefully I tighten up my spending habits.

As it is I have enough tea to keep me hydrated for several years at this point. :)

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apt said

jan $30 tea sampler
feb 0
march $43 oolongs
apr $71 misc (stocking up on each type of tea)
may – $25 so far (verdant preorders for june)

prediction ~3hunna-450

apt said

took advantage of a Taiwan Tea Crafts sale and copped a gaoshan, a gaba oolong, an aged oolong, an aged black, and a 2014 black. 28 bucks total. good ass prices

apt said

gaba oolong has some anxiety relief apparently. wonder how that works. its the xanax of teas

Stop tempting me! :-)

apt said

haha charlotte i feel u there. tea wishlist is huge rn. at least I knocked some off. also eyeing jing tea shop a lot, their dancongs sound great

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scribbles said

I’ve been neglectful in posting here…I was embarrassed by the amount that I’ve spent, and blew past my expected budget of $500. New goal: under $1500.

Jan = 166.45
Feb = 161.01
Mar = 99.00
Apr = 225.00

Total to date: 651.46

I love it! One must adapt to the circumstances as they arise! lol

scribbles said

Agreed! :) but didn’t have choice. 1st budget blown. New budget – attainable:)

Sil select said

I am So with you on… “replan! New budget it is!” lol

scribbles said

Yay for new budgets!!!

TeaLady441 said

I love your new budget! I think my original was $400, then I bumped it to $750. What, am I crazy? I think 1500 seems more reasonable.

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TeaLady441 said

Revised Prediction: $1200

January TOTAL: $234.66
February TOTAL: $213.00
March TOTAL: $125.00
April TOTAL: $119.00
TOTAL: 691.66

May Purchases:
Amoda: $12
Simple Loose Leaf: $20
Butiki: 42
Lupicia: 70

Current Total: 835.66

Ugh. I’ve slowed down, but at this rate I’ll probably beat my new budget too!
Thank you to everyone else who’s spent like crazy. Whenever I see someone’s total under $50 I get really fidgety and guilty and those of you in the hundreds are making me feel a bit better. Thanks for enabling me! :D

Oh I’m blissfully avoiding adding it up.

boychik said

i dont even want to start. Cavorax, i have a feeling my numbers are higher than yours.

TeaLady441 said

Thanks guys. Thank you. :) Now I feel like I’m actually quite reasonable with my tea spending. As are you.

boychik said

I dont buy any tea, my taste is quite expensive,haha
Also i bought 2 Yixing pots, still awaiting fr China

boychik Where did you buy your new Yixing from?!?!?

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Dinosara said

May Update:

(Budget: $50/mo, total $600)
January Total: $77
February Total: $78
March Total: $41
April Total: $50
Running total: $246

Sil select said

i am envious of your self control…

Dinosara said

Don’t be, it’s just my buying has shifted (perhaps temporarily) to a new obsession… I can’t stop buying yarn!

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Mel said

I spend about $400 on teas a year(including the rare times I’ll buy bottled tea, too). I try to make the money count, on teas I can rebrew multiply times. Even on the third brew, I will cold brew it over night to get as much flavor out of it as I can.

Tea is a thrifty girl’s dream! I can buy such a high quality product for such and such price, and get it down to a 25 cent drink (including rebrews in cost), verses when my friends buy a $6 coffee drink that’s only one go, loaded with cream and sugar.

I also find tea to be so healing, I consider it part of my health insurance.

My friends joke that I can squeeze a penny until it squeals, so in otherwords I’m a pretty thrifty kind of gal :) One of the reasons I love tea, other than the health benefits, is the low cost. The fact that I can resteep a good quality tea multiple times only makes it that much more appealing to me. I don’t feel guilty splurging on expensive tea because I know it will stretch so far. Any more I have a really hard time paying $6 for the occasional cup of coffee. It’s hard to imagine that I used to stop by the coffee shop several times a week when I was younger.

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