How much DID you spend on tea in 2014?

440 Replies
TeaLady441 said

Revised-Revised Prediction: $1600

January TOTAL: $235
February TOTAL: $213
March TOTAL: $125
April TOTAL: $119
May TOTAL: $157
June TOTAL: 125
TOTAL: $1024

July Purchases:
A&D: 30
Whispering Pines: 32
Butiki: 45

Current Total: $1131

Notes: I have a lot of tea that I know I really like, and I’m stocked up on a lot of favourites. I think I can make it at least until September before considering another order (maybe stocking back up on Golden Orchid?) but I honestly can’t think of a tea company who could tempt me, even by announcing an unexpected sale!

Sil select said

we’re such enablers for one another…i love it :) on the upside we theoretically spend less and get smaller amounts of tea since we often split things.. riiight? :)

Sil select said

Ahem…I believe you have an order to add to this lol

TeaLady441 said

And now Adagio has reasonable shipping!!! But I can wait on that as I still have a few large bags.

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Amy Alice said

In a year i spent almost $850 including shipping charge .I love to drink puerh tea as it is more expensive i have to invest more.Being a crazy tea lover i am not worry about the money only need some good brand and fresh tea.

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Nattie said

Getting on my budgeting super late! So my prediction will be from June-December, not including the first five months of the year (I have no idea how much I spent and have no wish to know). As I am a broke student I figured I should probably be more careful on how much I’m spending. My prediction is around £20pm, so £140 for the rest of the year. This is my PREDICTION, not my budget! I’m not so sure I can stick to it, but if I can, I’d like to be under that total by the end of the year. Taking into consideration my swaps, I’d like to spend no more than £15pm, taking my total down to £105 for the year. This should be achievable if I stick to my ‘no new orders’ rule, and concentrate on sipping down the teas I have (almost 250 in my cupboard, and I am challenging myself to get the total down to under 100 before I buy any more teas, swaps not included). Realistically, though, I will probably make exceptions for teas I really really want or limited edition blends, so if I comes in at under £150 for the rest of the year I’ll be happy. That’s including shipping, too, which is usually hideously expensive to the UK.

£9 – Hapa-tite tea swap with Mina

Nothing! Yay me!


£10 – Miscellaneous teas from local shops

£8 – Secret Pumpkin
£60 – Butiki panic-order, shipping not included

TOTAL – £87

Nattie said

I was doing so well until Stacy announced that she was closing Butiki! So naturally I just placed an order for 14oz of tea, and will possibly be placing another later to tick off everything on my wishlist while I still can. Also to stock up on the blends I really can’t live without. I still have a Bluebird Tea Co. autumn/Christmas order to place, so I really can’t see myself sticking to budget, or even staying under 300 teas total.

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June- $6 for shipping Teavivre samples and tin.

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Mandy said

So looking through my bank account, it looks like I’ve some how managed to spend almost $250 on tea this year. I don’t know that happened! Sure adds up fast!

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Sil select said

July Update

Budget: $600 Prediction: $1000…proooobably need to change my prediction to closer to 2k lol

January Purchases – 174.70 USD 20.00 CAD
February Purchases – 76.13 USD
March – None
April – 178.75 USD 106.80 CAD
May – 181.44 USD
June – 85.10 USD

July Purchases
Prediction: No orders this month as much as I want them. I am not allowed to purchase mroe tea until i meet at least one of my goals…if i do, however then i’m looking at Butiki; Verdant; Whispering pines; Aroma….

Running Total 2014 – 696.12 USD 126.80 CAD

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Hannah F. said

Maybe $150-ish for the rest of the year? I’ve already spent quite a bit, and my husband will have my head if I bring home more. I already have 14 teas right now, taking up a crapton of room in my tiny kitchen.

I finally convinced him to buy a baker’s rack, though, and it should be here in 2 weeks.

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TeaLady441 said

July update:
Revised-Revised Prediction: $1600

January TOTAL: $235
February TOTAL: $213
March TOTAL: $125
April TOTAL: $119
May TOTAL: $157
June TOTAL: $245
TOTAL: $1094

July Purchases: (already… I know)
Whispering Pines: 30
A&D Damn Fine Tea: 32
(and a possible Butiki order later this month, but HOPEFULLY nothing else! I need to stop getting tempted by awesome sales!)

Current spending money Total: $1156
(Good thing all my hobbies are relatively cheap so I can put ALL my guilt-free spending money into tea!)

Sil select said

you make me feel better about all my ridiculous purchases since i’m not quite at your total yet hahaha

TeaLady441 said

OMG. /0\ And then people say, ‘how did I ever spend 200 on tea this year?’ and I shrink back in shame!

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Zeks said

400$ so far.
~200 verdant
~200 jkteashop

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So far, I think it has been about $ 60 this year. (Then I got some free samples.)

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