294 Tasting Notes


This one felt muted; there is cinnamon in the scent and I sort of taste cherry in the flavor, despite the presence of both cherries and cinnamon essence. I don’t get much of the almond (another essence I couldn’t add as an ingredient). This is mostly a sort of generic tea with the smallest touch of sweetness and cherry.

Plum Deluxe Caffeine Advent, Day 23

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Really enjoyed this one; the strawberry and plum somehow reminded me of the cotton candy tea from DAVIDsTEA that I’m so conflicted about, but this one went green rooibos instead of red and it made all the difference. It smells tart, and it tastes fruity-sweet. My partner hated it, calling it far too sweet for tea, which is on brand for him. I like that I wouldn’t have to add anything to it to enjoy it.

Plum Deluxe Caffeine Advent, Day 22

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Finally finishing the notes on this advent.

The first cup of this was a very tasty raspberry with strong lemon. The second cup was timed the same but quite weak; I must not have separated it as well as I hoped into the two cups. I would consider buying more to play with another time. It does seem like a blend that can be left to steep a while, which is often a plus for me.

Plum Deluxe Caffeine Advent, Day 21

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Did you ever have Teavana’s Raspberry Riot Lemon Mate? I’m wondering if it’s similar to that one.


I did not, unfortunately. Was it a favorite?


Not for me, but my husband loves it. I try to keep an eye out for substitutes for our favorite old Teavana blends.

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drank Megganog by BrutaliTeas
294 tasting notes

It seems somehow appropriate that this ended with another rooibos. I plan to spent January on the Bird & Blend advents & samples, but I am thrilled by the idea of a February where I don’t taste a single drop of wood chip tea.

There’s sweetness to this one as well as the rooibos, but it mostly seemed like a vanilla with some unknown light spices. I can’t say I’ve ever had eggnog or would know how it compares. This was a miss for me.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 24

In all, I enjoyed this calendar and exploring some new teas from an interesting brand. It surprised me that the calendar only duplicated one tea from my original sampler order of 18 varieties, and I still didn’t get to taste a few that I’m very curious about, so there’s a lot to explore!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I was excited for this tea both because of the candy cane flavor and because of the name joke. I’m not clear from the ingredient list what wasn’t working for me here, because there’s nothing inherently wrong with candy cane and peppermint and black tea. I love the combination, actually. But this one had a strange artificial sweetness to it with a flavor that didn’t quite work with the candy cane. My partner said it was like a butterscotch. I didn’t get that, but I definitely didn’t get just candy cane, and I couldn’t finish it.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 23

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This tea was fine? If anything, it struck me as an odd choice next to The Chai Ning in the advent, because there were a lot of similar flavors happening except that this one was weaker and not toasty. I got a lot more cinnamon and vanilla from this than ginger, which I suppose makes some sense for a gingerbread blend, but I don’t need more.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 22

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank The Chai Ning by BrutaliTeas
294 tasting notes

This was a lovely chai with a distinctly toasty flavor, and it somehow reminded me of the chewy molasses cookies I get several times a year from our grocery store. I drink most of my teas straight, but my partner insisted I try adding milk to this one, and it somehow brought out more of the sweetness and baked goods quality. This made the cut as one of 5 teas I reordered from the advent calendar.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 21

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’m curious what the other four teas were worthy of a reorder?


My two favorite teas of the calendar were Apples Aligned Coming Undone (caramel apple) and Dragonfruitforce, so I reordered those. Then I decided I really wanted to try Re-CrAnimator iced, and my partner requested more Sage Against the Machine. Didn’t exactly match up with all my ratings but I’m excited for it all to arrive!


Good to know! thanks

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Last tasting notes for this particular advent.

Between a dislike of lavender and of chamomile, I’m not much a “sleepy” tea person. The spearmint in this one helps a lot, and I don’t feel overwhelmed by either of the disliked ingredients. If I really felt inclined to own a tea of this sort, I’d probably pick this one – but I’d rather just find other blends without caffeine.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 20

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Thin Minty by BrutaliTeas
294 tasting notes

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and to everyone else, happy last Sunday of the year! We have nothing on the calendar, nowhere to be and no one to host today. Honestly, that’s a perfect way to celebrate in my book.

I did better at keeping up with the advents than usual! I do want to keep reviewing them for my own notes, so I apologize in advance that these aren’t over on my end yet.

I actually steeped this up yesterday afternoon and spent a good portion of the evening trying to convince myself I liked it. I found the chocolate and mint quite well-balanced and enjoyable, when this combo is so often just off in other teas. But while it would have been a smash hit on a different base, the aftertaste was too much rooibos for me to like.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 19


Merry belated Christmas!

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Preparing to have people over and cook a (relatively simple, thankfully) Christmas Eve dinner tonight. I thought today might be the day to catch up & finish up the BrutaliTeas advent – it’s a pretty adventurous number though, so we’ll see.

I love a jasmine tea and find jasmine pearls just so pleasant and fun, but they had to go and make this one coconut as well. When first steeped the coconut is absolutely at the front. Thankfully as it cools it takes a back seat to the jasmine, and I was able to drink the rest of it. I don’t get any sort of pineapple from it, sadly.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 18

Flavors: Coconut, Jasmine

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Mom of 2, adjunct, and general homebody in California.

Great at buying tea, okay at drinking tea, awful at timely reviews. Drawn to fruit, floral, spice, smoke, and flavored teas in general; prefer those that stand well without milk or sweetener. Black is fine, green is better, and red rooibos is trash.

My ratings are for me, so I don’t accidentally buy something that sounds amazing but I’ve already tried and disliked. I struggle a bit with wanting to be “fair” to a tea that other people would probably like, but then my system won’t work!

90-100 A: loved it; would make this a permanent member of my stash
80-89 B: tasty; would pick it up again
70-79 C: good; could grab with a good deal or to try in a different style
60-69 D: okay; would keep in a set but probably would not repurchase on its own
1-59 F: various shades of bad; would not purchase; closer to 1 means may not even drink again if offered.

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