294 Tasting Notes

drank Nicely Spicy by Offblak
294 tasting notes

I wanted something festive and caffeine-free last night, so I was glad this was up next in my sipsby advent. The scent out of the bag is a tart cranberry, and when steeped I was able to smell it from the next room. The flavor tones it down a lot. It’s there, as is the cinnamon, but you half expect cranberry juice with the potent smell!

I think if this had been on a base other than rooibos I would be buying it immediately, but as it is, it was fun to try. Even the cranberry doesn’t get rid of the woody taste.

sipsby bagged advent, day 15

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I have had so much coconut in tea this advent season.

As far as a coconut tea goes, this one isn’t too bad – the coconut is clearly present but there are a lot of other flavors happening to help. The pecan and walnut pieces give it a pleasant nuttiness, while the vanilla essence also lends a sweetness aside from the coconut.

I wouldn’t buy it myself, but I did manage to drink it, which is high praise for coconut.

Plum Deluxe Caffeine Advent, Day 20

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I can’t say I know what “blue malva flower” is contributing to this particular cup, but this is a pleasant black tea with well-balanced floral violet and sweet vanilla. It is tasty hot and still good as it cools. Probably not one I strictly need to have more of, but I wouldn’t be sad to see it in my cupboard either.

Plum Deluxe Caffeine Advent, Day 19

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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This is my favorite tea of the Plum Deluxe advent so far. It’s mostly jasmine flower in scent and flavor. The strawberry, noticeable in the dry leaf, is subtle in the steeped cup. I divided this sample into two small cups; the second had almost no discernable strawberry at all. But I prefer the slight hint here, because it goes so well with the jasmine without overwhelming me with the strawberry flavor I tend to find so artificial. The green tea base is perfect for these flavors overall.

If you don’t care for floral tea, this would not be a good fit, but if you do love jasmine, this is a great way to go.

Plum Deluxe Caffeine Advent, Day 18

Flavors: Jasmine, Strawberry

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This was my very first chai, a while ago, and while I don’t like it quite as much as I did originally, I was still excited to see it in the box. The spices are present, but fairly subtle; my favorite part is the peppercorns that I notice mostly in the aftertaste. I would love it if it were punched up a bit more. Still, it’s solid, and I’m glad I have more waiting for me after advents are done.

DAVIDsTEA Around the World Advent, Day 19

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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My rule has been that I have to try every blend that shows up in these advents and give them a fair shake, but really, I have my limits. And a pure rooibos is all the way up there at the top.

So this doesn’t get a rating, or a taste, or anything; I don’t even know if it needs a tasting note because I feel like I’ll remember not to go near this, but I’m here.

I will say that the tin has a nostalgic scent going for it – it reminds me of walking by the cabins after a fresh rainfall at summer camp. But I can’t say I’ve ever wanted to taste the cabins, so.

DAVIDsTEA Around the World Advent, Day 18


My Fortnum Advent of sachets had a pure rooibos, too. I thought that was unusual.

Roswell Strange

Some of us weirdos like a good straight rooibos ;)


Haha! I wish I did; it seems like there are some lovely teas I’m missing out on because I can’t do it!

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Rooibos is determined to ruin my tea fun today.

This smells pleasant enough! It seems like a sweet, nutty, butter cookie. I don’t really like a sugar cookie, a shortbread, or anything similar, but I feel like this tea could have its place if not for all the rooibos. I managed about half of my cup with a square of chocolate and salted caramel fudge I was enjoying. As soon as the fudge was over though, I couldn’t manage the rest of the cup.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 17

Flavors: Butter, Cookie, Nutty, Sugar, Wet Wood

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Black tea is listed first here, but all I get is rooibos. I suspected I was in some trouble by the scent. The flavor was pretty much what I expected. It’s a shame I really can’t distinguish caramel or almond here at all. It’s a tiny bit sweet, and I can get hints of cinnamon in the smell and aftertaste, but mostly rooibos.

I’m at the point where every time I see rooibos as an ingredient I turn into a villain hearing the name of their nemesis. And with most of these ill-advised encounters, the rooibos wins.

Plum Deluxe Caffeine Advent, Day 17

Flavors: Wet Wood

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Today I learned that Orange Pekoe is not orange flavored, and it gets its name from some Dutch royalty convention – I really didn’t feel like getting further into that rabbit hole, so that’s where my exploration ends. After getting over that disappointment, I went ahead and made a cup.

I was surprised by this. There was something distinctly vegetal about it in a way that reminded me more of green tea. I didn’t get the usual acidity or bitterness I expect from black tea. This feels like it could be a good tea to help bridge me from my love of green tea to appreciating black tea – something to consider for the future.

Now a confession: I wanted this to be orange so badly that I finally just gave in and added some fresh orange to my cup. Absolutely delightful; would recommend.

DAVIDsTEA Around the World Advent, Day 17

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Mangowar by BrutaliTeas
294 tasting notes

I was quite excited for this on scent and early in the cup. In the initial sips, this seemed like it would be a solid black tea with a subtle mango candy aftertaste. But the more I drank and the more it cooled, the less subtle the mango candy became, and it was striking how artificial it tasted. It reminded me a lot of the spicy mango gummies from Vidal that our Universal Yums subscription box seems obsessed with, minus the heat.

Shame, because if it had maintained that flavor from the first few hot sips, it would have been a winner.

BrutaliTeas Advent, Day 16

Flavors: Artificial, Candy, Mango

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Mom of 2, adjunct, and general homebody in California.

Great at buying tea, okay at drinking tea, awful at timely reviews. Drawn to fruit, floral, spice, smoke, and flavored teas in general; prefer those that stand well without milk or sweetener. Black is fine, green is better, and red rooibos is trash.

My ratings are for me, so I don’t accidentally buy something that sounds amazing but I’ve already tried and disliked. I struggle a bit with wanting to be “fair” to a tea that other people would probably like, but then my system won’t work!

90-100 A: loved it; would make this a permanent member of my stash
80-89 B: tasty; would pick it up again
70-79 C: good; could grab with a good deal or to try in a different style
60-69 D: okay; would keep in a set but probably would not repurchase on its own
1-59 F: various shades of bad; would not purchase; closer to 1 means may not even drink again if offered.

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