557 Tasting Notes
I drank one of these today, its not too bad, got a slight fishy scent but not bad.
Tastes not bad too kinda sweet much earthy, I enjoyed it.
Probably would be pretty good for morning sippings, I like drinking random little mini puers in the mornings sometimes because they are just easy to open and toss in a strainer lol
This was sent to me by Kirkoneill1988 I just asked for one to taste for the time being, he is going to send me some more soon :)
Thanks Kirk!!!
Flavors: Honey, Wet Earth
Nice, A little camphor, peppery, some smokey tones with a nice sligtly sweet vegetal note, not bad at all.
Flavors: Camphor, Peppercorn, Smoke, Vegetal
Nice :)
I have quite a good bit of this one , I even have some that is still unopened somehow (Hell Yeah!) and tho I’ve had it for a while but it is still quite nice.
Woodsy, vegetal, slightly sweet and even floral at times with juicy fruity notes like a peach or apricot and a pleasant astringency with citrus notes on the end.
Many steps from this one also, very good tea :)
Flavors: Apricot, Astringent, Citrus, Peach, Wood
Im not sure what year mine is but its pretty good still, I should have drank this up a long time ago. Dry leafe smells omg so good almost like a black tea even lol. Kinda sweet, kinda savory, buttery, vegetal, Delicious.
Love, love, love…
love, love…
love, love…
Hi, Tommy! I’m interested in knowing, what is the first word that comes to mind when you think of Willow? ;-)
I’ve had this one for a long time lol
Anyways it’s still pretty tasty :)
I love dandelion alot which is probably why I enjoy this one, nice yummy cinnamon notes too, I can’t taste the yabao inthis blend but hey it’s a year old and still pretty damn good.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Dandelion, Wood
glad you liked it. :D hopefully in july i can send the rest