557 Tasting Notes
This was a nice puerh to me, very dark and earthy yet smooth and clean tasting, sometimes earthy can mean “dirt” tasting which is not always bad this one has a rich earthiness that is very clean and pleasant, This is very enjoyable for people who enjoy a puerh/dark tea Those who don’t care for Dark teas may not be able to enjoy this one. Also it gets slightly sweeter with each steep.
I really enjoyed this one it’s very nice some earthiness with astringency of a black tea and roasty oolong nuances. Nutty smooth on it own and slight fruity notes with sweetner added almost muscatel some one else said like “licking a grapevine” thats was about right not in a bad way at all tho. Many steeps for this one I enjoyed the first steep to me could have even been tossed and considered a rinse because the second and third steeps were much more flavorful. Wonderful tea I want to get some more of this.
I’m not sure where thi
s one came from or who sent it to me, I found it while cleaning up it was in ziplock marked “organic Darjeeling” I dont know anything about darjeelings but I wish I did know what this one was because I liked it alot, it tastes like a darker oolong with nutty chocolate notes almost malty even but not at all like a black tea. What Darjeeling could this be.
I like this one, its very clean tasting with no fishiness at all it is lightly earthy and very smooth, I think a person who thinks they wouldnt like puerh would like this one. It is excellent after a heavy meal. 2 to 5 minutes steep on this one was perfect for me. This one made me think of one of my first puerh it was very similar to this and it made me fall in love with puerh.
I got samples from Fong Mong today, had to try the black one first and i’m glad i did it was really nice first thing in the morning, the steeped leaves seem to have floral aroma thats slightly minty and are pleasing to the eyes, the liquor is red and also pretty to look at and it tastes wonderful its malty and almost chocolatey and it does have a slight vegetal taste to it that I wasnt expecting but it is very nice. it reminds of an Assam so I thought it may take a little milk well but that wasn’t very good it is best on its own.