
“a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one’s life, to one’s home or homeland, or to one’s family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time”

Sometimes you taste something or hear something or see something that just takes you back to past times and brings long lost memories and feelings that were never really forgotten but just hidden away deep inside and maybe neglected a bit.
That’s called Nostalgia, We all know what nostalgia is because I’m sure we’ve all expeirenced it at some point in our lives. Nostalgia can be a good thing sometimes and may be healthy for our minds.
“Reliving past memories may provide comfort and contribute to mental health. One notable recent medical study has looked at the physiological effects thinking about past ‘good’ memories can have. They found that thinking about the past ‘fondly’ actually increased perceptions of physical warmth”

I’m at the dialysis clinic with Lance today and I brought this tea along to taste and make a little review on here for it, easy peasy right? It was supposed to be easy peasy but Nostalgia happened.

The taste of this tea is not the best but it’s not bad by any means, in fact it’s pretty good just not in the way I was expecting. I was expecting a Very Rasberry taste and it’s actually more of a Raspberry Candy type of taste. It is kinda tart and the tea itself is a bit bold for a fruity blend. I added a bit of sugar to try and bring the sweet fruity taste of raspberries out a little morebut instead it went even more candylike to me.
It actually reminded me very much of the way a Raspberry Tootsie Pop used to taste when I was a child, So much so that nostalgia kicked in and I went back in time to a much better place than sitting here in the dialysis clinic.

I was taken back to Halloweens 3 decades ago, my sister and I sitting in the floor of my moms house in the living room dressed up as werewolves and princesses or whatever cool costume that we wanted that year becuase Mom always made sure we would dressed up as anything we wanted to be. Every year different costume but always the same ole candy that we looked forward to every year, I remember the Raspberry Tootsie Pops being one of those favorite candies that I pesonally looked forward to seeing in my halloween bag.
I remember my sister and I eating these thing and swapping candies that we didn’t like with each other for something that we did like. I remember this now because the memories were provoked by the candylike taste of this tea. I would try to gather up all the raspberry tootise pop that my sister had and I would offer her like 4 of my Grape pops for like 6 or 7 of her Raspberry pops which wasn’t fair but as a child it seemed fair to me lol
I remember Mom stepping in and teaching us to share and be fair and would make sure that I did my sister right and made a fair trade with her and everybody was happy and content.
Mom was great even tho we went trick or treating She still would make up little goodie bags for us herself with some of the favorite candies that she knew we each loved with raspberry tootsie pops always sticking out the top of my baggie(man i still remember what those baggies looked like she must had a lot of them and used them every year lol). Mom would check all of our candies and pick out what she wanted and “trade” with us for it by giving us our baggies and She’d stick in a video with some Halloween cartoons and we’d sit and watch and eat candy and sing along “trick or treat, trick or treat, trick or treat for halloween!!” Oh the good ole days.

I miss my Mom so much she was very good to us and always made us the best halloweens, raspberry tootsie were always part of all of that(along with other goodies) While I say the nostalgia was about the Halloween memories maybe it’s even more so that it made me think of my Mom along with that, My memories seem to dwell on Mom.

Anyways this Tea reminds me of Raspberry Tootsie pops and provoked some good memories of halloween and my Mom and by doing so it kinda gave some of that time with her back to me for a little while, I really appreciate that :)

Flavors: Candy

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teajoteas 11 years ago

Thanks, love the review, especially the nostalgia part! Yes, all our fruit blends are bold because of the Assam. It’s our signature profile, which is perfect if you prefer really full-bodied tea.

Tommy Toadman 11 years ago


Kirkoneill1988 11 years ago

wow that’s a long review! It’s very hard for me to do a long one my self. anyhow red tootsie pop eh? CANDY HEAVEN! :D I get nostalgia for videogames i played as a kid ;)

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teajoteas 11 years ago

Thanks, love the review, especially the nostalgia part! Yes, all our fruit blends are bold because of the Assam. It’s our signature profile, which is perfect if you prefer really full-bodied tea.

Tommy Toadman 11 years ago


Kirkoneill1988 11 years ago

wow that’s a long review! It’s very hard for me to do a long one my self. anyhow red tootsie pop eh? CANDY HEAVEN! :D I get nostalgia for videogames i played as a kid ;)

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I just a guy who respects and loves the tea :)
Really???? Blah Blah Blah lmfao!!!



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