So I was sipping on “December” just now and I was listening to December by Collective soul, WAS until he sang “turn your head now baby just spit me out” Spit Out December?? No way!!!!!!
So I switched my song to “Once Upon A December” from Anastasia sang by Liz Callaway,
Beautiful song much more fitting for this tea :)
I felt like singing along so I did ;)
Dancing Bears, Painted Wings, Things I almost Remember…
And a Song someone sings, Once Upon a Deceeeeemmmbbbeeerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
This was the previous version of December BTW, before the update :)
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory… :D
far away long ago, glowing dim as an ember…. :)
That really made me smile :-)
Painted Wings, just like a tea fairy! :P