I love the aroma of this wet leaf! It has a tangy fruity apricot or plum smell, & it also smells kind of like beer, well, more like Hops really. The tea is a lovely brew, very smooth & sweet, a little hoppy, a touch of tang to it, & a shiny kind of feeling in the mouth, like polished stone or maybe metal. That was around steep 5 or 6.
I’m maybe at steeping number 11 or so now. I’m working on creating promo materials for my upcoming annual birthday gig, & kind of lost track of the count, but I just keep going back for more. Now it’s a light buttery creamy mushroom broth, more or less. This really is a nice Sheng, & although in some ways it seems absurd for me to keep buying cakes of puerh, as I already probably have enough tea to last the rest of my life, I still would like to add this one to my collection at some point.
I’m really grateful for Yunnan Sourcing’s sample sizes, as they give you enough to try a tea out several times.
Terri, do you order from US site or Chinese? i would love to try so many things, but shipping is outrageous.
I order from their Chinese site, but in bulk, if you want to order I can add your list to mine next time. I’m also looking to go in on a combined purchase of raw pu erh with other tea lovers. The website has a lot of good stuff.
I originally ordered from the US site, but have subsequently ordered a couple of times from the China site, mainly because they listed some black teas I wanted to try out that weren’t listed on the US site.
I haven’t ordered from the U.S. site just due to the fact that they don’t have near the selection…shipping really isn’t that bad,especially if you’re making large orders…
Well, I guess I’m spoiled with free shipping when I order from ebay or Dragon tea house. At least if it could be fixed amount. I placed 4 teas like 50 g each, couple samples and glass teapot and shipping is like $18. Do you happen to know when raising of shipping costs stops? How big the order should be? Sorry for all the ??
The main downside of ordering from their China office is that if you’re like me, and you go with the cheap shipping, it takes 4 – 6 weeks to get your order. However, by then I almost forget I ordered, so then it’s like a surprise present :)
sounds good…i’ll put that on my YS list…yeah,25g samples are great…
Terri, do you order from US site or Chinese? i would love to try so many things, but shipping is outrageous.
I order from their Chinese site, but in bulk, if you want to order I can add your list to mine next time. I’m also looking to go in on a combined purchase of raw pu erh with other tea lovers. The website has a lot of good stuff.
I originally ordered from the US site, but have subsequently ordered a couple of times from the China site, mainly because they listed some black teas I wanted to try out that weren’t listed on the US site.
Bigdaddy, it’s a great idea. Following you
I haven’t ordered from the U.S. site just due to the fact that they don’t have near the selection…shipping really isn’t that bad,especially if you’re making large orders…
Well, I guess I’m spoiled with free shipping when I order from ebay or Dragon tea house. At least if it could be fixed amount. I placed 4 teas like 50 g each, couple samples and glass teapot and shipping is like $18. Do you happen to know when raising of shipping costs stops? How big the order should be? Sorry for all the ??
i’ not sure…my cart is up to $400 and shipping is $27 and its going to be a heavy box…
The main downside of ordering from their China office is that if you’re like me, and you go with the cheap shipping, it takes 4 – 6 weeks to get your order. However, by then I almost forget I ordered, so then it’s like a surprise present :)
That’s exactly what I do. It’s like a new tea adventure. I actually wondered once, did I really order that. Yet all is good.