I have not had tea for the past few days because I was sick. I am so glad to be getting back to my teapot and my calming evening cup of green tea!
This is a sample of the 2013 harvest sent by Teavivre. Many thanks!
When I made this tea, the kitchen lights were all out but one, so I saw the dry leaves only dimly. Everyone was getting ready to head to bed. After it steeped, it wouldn’t have mattered if all the lights had been out. The leaves were such a vibrant green they would have lit the room. They were so beautiful – fresh, alive, and crying out that they were the newborns of spring!
The aroma was of soft spinach, no hard or bitter edges. The liquor was a much paler color than I expected after seeing those electric green leaves.
The flavor is mild and smooth, nothing harsh or biting is to be found here. There is almost no aftertaste, which is having the effect of making me drink more and more because I want to keep experiencing the flavor.
Hubby came in after I had already finished two cups. He poured himself a cup, then another, and was about to pour another but the pot was empty. I asked if he wanted a resteep and he said, “Yes, please!” I made the second pot and he drank a cup and told me he had to go to bed now. He left the room and was back in less than three minutes pouring another cup of tea.
There is a mineral freshness to this along with the vegetal flavor, rather than the butteriness sometimes found in a vegetal green. My mouth feels so fresh and clean, yet there really wasn’t any astringency. I have really enjoyed these two pots of tea tonight, and hope they go a long way to rehydrating me!
Thank you, Angel and Teavivre, for these beautiful samples!
Oh I am a Trekkie from way back!
Then you will enjoy the movie.
No doubt. I have all of the first set of star trek movies on vhs. Oh no now I am telling my age.
Btw we have an old drive in that will have it play this summer.
Then I won’t admit the tapes form a picture of the enterprise when you put them all together. Shhhh.
The last time I went to the drive in – I think I took my dad to see Star Wars IV. He didn’t get it.
How about ncc 1701 I think. And the old question Kirk or Picard?
“No bloody A, B, C, or D”
No question – Kirk. TNG never grabbed my imagination. Of course Picard did have good taste in tea.
Earl grey hot I believe, and yes Kirk by all means.
Star Trek after school. Every day. Kirk, a peanut butter sandwich, and soup. I am going Friday with hubby to see the new movie. Everyone knows where to stop their DVD of the last one to see R2D2 floating in the space wreckage, right?
DVD? What is this new technology of which you speak? Actually I had not heard about seeing R2D2 but guess what I am going to be doing now?
C3PO and R2D2 are also depicted as hieroglyphs on the wall in Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark in the scene where Indy and Marion get dropped in with all the snakes.
Raiders – http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2011/06/16/r2-d2-and-c-3po-hieroglyphs-in-raiders-of-the-lost-ark/
Star Trek – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5FfNnnK1Lc
DS9 here. Back when our son was a baby and we had control over Halloween costumes, he was a Bajoran for his first trick-or-treat.
Darth Vader is also a gargoyle at the National Cathedral in DC: http://www.nationalcathedral.org/about/darthVader.shtml