So, I have a (somewhat) funny story about this tea.
Lately, I’ve been spending most of my money on Teavana and tea gifts alike. My mom knows about this new addiction, and she always criticizes me on how much I’m spending. Anyway, she went to the mall the other day, tried a sample of tea without realizing that she was walking into Teavana, and she happened to buy this blend as well as some German rock sugar! She finally realized what had happened, and she called me right away to tell me about it. I just thought it was pretty ironic; she absolutely LOVED this sample.
I didn’t get to try the sample when I visited, but I’d heard great things about it so I decided to give it a try today (seeing as I have to leave in a couple hours for some errands and the mate just might wake me up ;)).
This blend smells amazing when it’s brewed; the scent kind of reminds me of Christmas! The spices are very strong, and I could definitely smell cinnamon.
The first sip was iffy – although it was pretty hot, so I blame that. Now that I’ve sipped multiple times, it tastes delicious! It doesn’t taste as spicy as it smells, which is good if you don’t like overwhelming cinnamon in your tea. I added a little German rock sugar, too, and I think it’s just perfect.
EDIT: I’m on my second brew, and I realized I hadn’t added enough tea leaves for two cups! Silly me. I also added a teaspoon of regular honey and a little more rock sugar, and I love it even more now! The rock sugar definitely brings out a few more flavors than I tasted before, and adding the right amount of leaves helped as well. ;) Bumped up the rating!