St. Nick's Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Almond, Candy, Caramel, Chocolate, Malt, Nutty, Sweet, Cocoa, Creamy, Nuts, Roasted, Roasted Nuts, Vanilla, Cacao, Coffee, Maple, Pecan, Artificial, Smooth, Wood, Butter, Earthy, Milk Chocolate, Walnut
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 14 oz / 426 ml

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From Simpson & Vail

“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there….”

Add St. Nick’s Tea to your holiday wish list because this blend is Nutty & Nice! Black teas are enhanced with the flavors of chocolate and roasted nuts with a hint of maple. The tea brews to an amber cup with a smooth, nutty, slightly sweet taste. It’s the perfect blend to enjoy on winter nights while you’re sitting by the fire. A definite crowd pleaser!

Ingredients: Black teas, almonds, organic cacao nibs, vanilla beans, moose tracks flavoring and orange blossoms.

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23 Tasting Notes

3494 tasting notes

Happy holidays to all who celebrate!

My daughter left this by the kettle with a bow on top after we went to bed apparently! I didn’t remember that I have had it before but looked it up here and saw that Ashman LOVED it. This is saying something because he has strong feelings about some chocolate flavorings and often even the smell is unpleasant to him, as he says some smell like mildew. And he is right.

This is rich and chocolate-y and was perfect for our simple breakfast on a blanket on the floor by the fire. Very snug…

Martin Bednář

Happy holidays!


Happy holidays!

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259 tasting notes

Sweet, chocolatey, nutty, cozy. Perfect for the holidays, a definite rebuy for 2023! ( finished 10/12)

Flavors: Almond, Candy, Caramel, Chocolate, Malt, Nutty, Sweet

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1323 tasting notes

Discovery Advent Tea #16
I could see the big man drinking this. Good almond flavor. Chocolaty too. Like a light hot chocolate but still with an interesting richness to it.

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2583 tasting notes

Thanks to tea-sipper for this one! It’s really quite the tasty dessert tea. It’s a little nutty and chocolatey, and I can definitely say that I like it a lot! It’s tasty with milk and sugar. I’ve had two lovely cups of it and have just enough for one more. The flavors aren’t super strong, but they’re really nice.


This one sounds tasty. I’ve been going back and forth on an S&V order and now I may need to consider this tea to add haha!


They’re my favorite company, so I definitely have recommendations if your order isn’t large enough already :P my favorites are snickerdoodle, apple cinnamon french toast, candy cane, blueberry cinnamon crumble, and carrot cake cupcake, to name a few!


Hahah thanks! I have most of these in my order actually (save for candy cane because I’m not huge on mint). I’m waiting to see if they do anything for Black Friday because the shipping and rate exchange to Canada is bleh.


Excellent choices (: I definitely get that! There are several Canadian/international companies I’d love to order from, but those shipping prices hurt!


Right? Sigh. Which Canadian companies did you have in mind?

I also had chosen: Almond Sugar Cookie Black, Apple Cinnamon Coffeecake Black, Coconut Macaroon Rooibos, Winter Wonderland Rooibos, Chocolate Orange Rooibos, Decaf French Vanilla Black, Pumpkin Spice Black (most of the rooibos and decaf options are for my partner). :)

Cameron B.

Yasss AJRimmer I loved all of those from the advent! Though I’m not sure if I tried Carrot Cake… Their green rooibos blends are so good.

Cameron B.

@Courtney – Almond Sugar Cookie is a good one for sure. I’m trying to remember what Winter Wonderland was…


Yaas! I had it many years ago and went back to check my note haha!


Ooo I’ve tried most of those, but a few are still on my list! I want to try all their teas one day (:

The Canadian companies I still need to try are Dessert by Deb and Totalitea. I just emailed the latter to see if their free shipping barrier applies to the US as well because I have a large cart ready to go, but there’s no way I’ll pay $45 to ship it.


I’ve never tried either of those, but that shipping is truly insane. The Totalitea I had never heard of but when I looked it up I see it’s in the city I’m currently in haha.


There are so many tea shops in my city, and I haven’t been to any of them! I’m a bad tea fan!


Haha I am also that way! I mean, there’s just no way I would go now, but even beforehand I just always ordered online!

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379 tasting notes

Mixed reviews on this one hehe. I like it.

Thank you so much tea-sipper for sending me this. As many of you say, it is chocolatey but I really like the roasty toasty nutty flavor. It’s on the light side of maple but although I like maple, I don’t require very much of the taste to make things I eat or drink tasty. For example, on pancakes, I just spread a tablespoon on the top pancake lol. I wish I could say the same about butter! I can drown it in butter and be a happy camper. I’m a salty over sweet type of person so this tea was very very good to me. It is one of my favorites out of the whole wonderful package that tea-sipper sent me awhile ago. I’m going to put it on my wishlist for the future.

Hope all is well and safe with you.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cocoa, Creamy, Nuts, Roasted, Roasted Nuts, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Nice! You liked it! :D


tea-sipper I have tried all that you sent me and they are all so very good <3


AWESOME. That is a bright spot of my day. :D

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249 tasting notes

Meh. Now that I’m looking at reviews here, I’m seeing that maple and nuts are a part of this. I don’t think I got that from their website description. <pausing to go look it up, to be fair> OK, it does mention nuttiness in several spots (not just almonds) and a touch of maple. If I had caught on to that, I probably wouldn’t have tried this one – not a nut fan in tea (other than almond) and not a maple fan in general. There is a dry unsweetened cocoa flavor to this (the kind that is bitter and reminiscent of coffee), and the maple and sort of pecan-type astringency are definitely present. I think it’s probably an OK tea if you like maple, pecans, and coffee, but that’s not me.

Flavors: Cacao, Coffee, Maple, Pecan

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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4330 tasting notes

Sipdown! (11 | 414)

So miss Gabby (thereadersteacup) sent me a sweet Christmas package with tea and dog toys, among other things. Thanks Gabby! :3 In it were several small tea samples, so I figured why not polish those off because yay, easy sipdowns! This one seemed like a good one to start with, after all it is Christmas Day.

I actually like this a bit better than I remember. In general, I don’t love any of Simpson & Vail’s holiday black teas. And actually, I don’t love most of the other holiday teas either, aside from Winter Wonderland. Anyway! This is a nice enough chocolate tea, coming from someone who doesn’t like chocolate teas. I can also taste the nuts and maple, and it’s a fake sort of maple but not strong enough to be cloying. The flavors go well together, and the base has an earthiness to it that sort of pulls the nutty flavor in a pecan or walnut direction.

I wouldn’t go out and buy it, but I wouldn’t turn down a cup either. Thanks Gabby, happy to revisit this one!

Flavors: Artificial, Butter, Chocolate, Earthy, Maple, Milk Chocolate, Nuts, Pecan, Smooth, Sweet, Walnut

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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67 tasting notes

I was looking for some herbal treats to share with my wife in the evening, and was happy to find some rooibos-based holiday flavors to add to my cart. Then in a true show of bipartisanship, I smiled, drifted to the OTHER side of the aisle, and found plenty of caffeinated options to agree with. Simpson & Vail’s “St. Nick’s Tea” is the first among them to make it to our cup.

Deliciously nutty with a strong sense of maple, this flavored black tea has just enough of a chocolate edge to make it seem decadent. While it was my first cup on this cold morning, it won’t replace my daily black tea any time soon. Great tea to share with family and friends – holiday or any day.

Flavors: Chocolate, Maple, Nutty

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4336 tasting notes

Additional notes: I also have a ton of this from TreeGal! Thank you so much! It’s a favorite so I’m quite happy to have more of it. Love the cocoa notes. Very comforting. Otherwise, I’m still working on the Angry Tea Room advent teas and other various holiday teas. There are a whole month of them. I should have really made an advent for the swap you guys did, but most of my holiday teas are older now, so I’d rather not share not-fresh teas…. I still enjoy them anyway. AND I love reading about the advents everyone else is doing!


December is my favorite month to be on here because I love seeing all the notes!


Yep, it’s advent time! I can’t wait to see what is in the 52Teas advent every year.

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672 tasting notes

Welp, polished this sample off. The combination of chocolate and maple was really good. The base was fairly ordinary, but didn’t get in the way and really let the flavorings come through. This tea also went well with a little cream.

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