I don’t have anything this highly spiced in my tea drawer right now, so I was excited to give this a try. Since we’ve been in the midst of a cold, grey, drizzly spell for days, the strength of the spice should complement the weather, I’m thinking….
Thanks Just Organic Tea for sending me this sample!
I’m not the biggest chai person, but when I’m in the mood for it, I love it. The last one I had, I steeped in almond milk and made the spice mix myself, which was great, but the ease of just steeping tea with spices already added is nice. :)
I love the smell while it’s steeping—it reminds me of the old fashioned cider mill we go to in Autumn….and that’s quite comforting.
As I continue to smell it (I can never keep my nose out of the infuser basket…), I’m getting a pumpkin thing, but not flavoured pumpkin. Pumpkin like I just opened up the can, and I’m getting read to make pies, or quick bread, or something—unsweetened, pure pumpkin. Is that because of the tea base? I have no idea, because I am so far from knowledgeable about that sort of thing….
Wasn’t sure if I was going to add sugar and milk to this, but after the first sip, I’m just going to drink it as-is. It’s got a strong spice, but not overpowering, just what I’d expect in a chai. I’m sure that if I did add milk or sugar, the tea would hold up to it.
With my mug, I had a few whippets. My mom-in-law sent over a couple boxes (one plain, one raspberry), and while I’d love to refrain from caving in to their pillowy awesomeness, I never can.
So, Whippet cookies + chai = very happy DF.