Honey Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Bitter, Chocolate, Honey, Dark Wood, Drying, Green Beans, Kale, Winter Honey, Wood, Smooth, Vegetal, Lychee, Raisins, Caramel, Sour, Bread, Dried Fruit, Malt, Plum, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes, Apricot, Butter, Creamy, Custard, Floral, Grain, Oats, Peach, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by green-terrace-teas
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 15 sec 4 g 7 oz / 220 ml

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54 Tasting Notes View all

  • “When my SO comes in to work we sit down to tea together, and this was her request for today. The dry leaves have a very faint chocolate smell and the wet leaves smell just as one would expect a...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve had a really long day, and I just got home. I pulled this one out completely at random. I didn’t have enough for a large session, so I busted out my small celedon gaiwan. I warmed up the lil...” Read full tasting note
  • “Working from home today and trying to make a dent in my sample pile before more new tea arrives next week! I believe this one was from Flyawaybirdie’s Christmas card. The leaves are long, dark, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is unusual in a good way. It has a distinctive sweet flavor that reminds me of good rum without the alcohol, if you can imagine that. Very round and both soft and bright at the same time....” Read full tasting note

From Green Terrace Teas

This all-natural, handcrafted black tea is a deliciously sweet and smooth delight. It has a wonderful natural honey flavor and light nutty caramel aftertaste that lingers pleasantly in the back of your throat. This tea is sweet, rich and complex, with notes of peach and plum and almost no bitterness or astringency. Like all other black teas, Honey Black is a fully oxidized tea which gives it a bit more caffeine than its green and oolong counterparts. Drink pure – your friends will be amazed that no honey was added to their cup.

Chinese Name: 蜜香紅茶

Origin/ Harvest: Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan 台灣南投縣魚池鄉 / Spring 2014

Purchase @ www.greenterraceteas.com

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54 Tasting Notes

790 tasting notes

I did a side by side gaiwan tasting with this and Honey Black from Beautiful Taiwan Tea Co. tonight. First, let me say that I don’t care as much for either of these done in this method as I do for them done Western style.

On to the teas. 5 grams each, 150 ml gaiwans, filtered water cooled 2 minutes from boiling. 45 second initial steep, left leaves in water while drinking resulting in approximately 2:30 for second steep.

Dry leaf comparison: BTTC leaves are smaller and more broken up though still large
Liquor comparison: GT is lighter in color
Taste comparison: Both honeyed, both sweetish, BTTC seems spicier. On second steep, BTTC also has sour notes creeping in, though not to an unpleasant level. GT is a lighter bodied tea.

Next is to try both in Western style side by side. From this method, I would not be picky about either one, both are equally good in my opinion.

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1737 tasting notes

Well, this tea is certainly tasty. Unfortunately, I am in a surly mood now, having placed my order from this company three times and just been told that I have to place it again.


205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I think they’ve got it fixed now. My last order went through. It is frustrating, though.

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661 tasting notes

Just getting around to trying out this black tea. I almost didn’t brew it this morning. Wanted to go for my ol’ familiar greens. So glad I brewed it up. It’s delicious. This the 2nd black tea from Green Terrace Teas I’ve loved and I don’t normally like black teas!!! It has an aroma like fresh baked bread. Plum sweet taste. Like sweet potatoes too. Very smooth and a bit light for a black tea (another reason I love it). With black teas like this I could very well become a black tea lover.

Flavors: Bread, Honey, Plum, Sweet Potatoes

1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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4336 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge – February Tea #1: A Taiwanese Tea
When seeing the “Taiwanese tea” prompt I immediately thought of this tea and knew it was almost gone, but I had to double check to make sure it is Taiwanese.  It is!  The flavors seemed to be different whenever I steeped it and it’s hard to identify those flavors.   Starchy in the end.   Boring note.
2022 sipdowns: 14

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2291 tasting notes

3g of this left, so I mixed it with 3g of the Li Shan Black.


I do prefer the Li Shan Black, I just feel the flavours are more in line with my personal tastes. It’s rich and dark the way I’ve steeped it though, with no bitterness and only a touch of the good kind of astringency. :)

I’m updating my tea spreadsheet tonight. OMG. So many teas to add to it. D: Hopefully there will be a lot of teas to remove from it at some point as well…

205 °F / 96 °C 6 g 5 OZ / 140 ML

how does it compare to the DT honey black?


I still haven’t tried it! UGH. On my list for tomorrow. I have 2 things I need to get – a new card for my camera, and THAT TEA!


Honestly for the Green Terrace Teas, the Li Shan is way more rich and thick and sweet than the honey black. IMO. :)


Wow where did this Green Terrace come from! I haven’t been paying attention, apparently. Looks like they have some good stuff


Yeah, there were samples available a WHILE back. And VariaTEA dropped off a couple packets when I was in Toronto. I kinda yoinked them. :D I would totally buy the Li Shan Black, but I couldn’t justify it. And now, after inventorying, I can’t justify it even more…


Ah. Yes. I was kinda absent from tea world for awhile last year. Makes sense now!
Same here. Esp with the tea festival coming up. Eeeeek

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155 tasting notes

After my really EXCELLENT experience with the Li Shan Black from Green Terrance, I was really looking forward to this tea. Sadly, I did not have a good experience. I tried it first gong fu @ 200F 30/30/1:00/1:30/2 and at first thought I would really enjoy it as it had a gorgeous peach-apricot aroma. Sadly, on tasting each steep was really bitter until the 5th when there wasn’t much left but a hay flavor.

I had enough (the samples are REALLY generous) to do a western style cup, so I tried a tablespoon in 10 ounces of 200F water. It wasn’t bitter this way, but tasted odd and I didn’t finish the cup.

I’m wondering if I got a flawed sample. I’m going to refrain from giving this a numerical rating.


Oh that’s interesting. I had a bad first experience, but it was because I oversteeped it. I had no problems with gongfu. I did a 20 and 40 with 200 degrees. I’m sorry yours didn’t turn out well. It doesn’t sound oversteeped. :(


i always do shorter steeps starting 5/10/15 etc


I have a wee little bit left and can try shorter steeps, but 30 isn’t a really long time. It was way bitter until the last steep. I wanted peachy apricots like it smelled.


Or maybe you could put it in your beautiful tea cabinet and tell it to calm WAY down.


what about leaves/water ratio? i do find this tea sensitive, thats why i think shorter steeps would do the trick. just my 2c ;)


I will try it with way shorter steeps and less leaf. Thanks y’all.

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618 tasting notes

This is such a unique tea! I don’t think I’ve tried anything like it before. The first thing I notice is how rich and dark it is. With just one sip, I notice thick and heavy notes of molasses. I’m reminded instantly of a gingerbread cake – soft, sweet and so distinct. This tea would be absolutely perfect for an evening cup during the holiday season. It really does bring to mind gooey, sticky, dripping molasses. Other cups I’ve had bring to mind a dark honey with stone fruits. I personally have to be in the mood for a tea like this as it’s so deeply specific, but it is very much a beauty. Many thanks to Green Terrace Teas for a sample. This has been a real treat to try!


I may have to order some of this one. All of the reviews I keep seeing on my Dash tell me how amazing it is.


i like li shan more than the honey black, though both are really nice. the honey black is just much “lighter” and i am a fan of bold black teas!


Cheri – If you’re going to place an order with Green Terrace Teas, I highly recommend this one! At least a sample’s worth to give it a try. :)

Sil – I have that one as well and will be trying it next! I’m a fan of both light and bold black teas so it will be neat to see the difference.


they’re both excellent teas, i just found this one a little light – as in, it would be an infrequent purchase over the other heh but i enjoyed both. now to save for an order someday! haha

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307 tasting notes

Argh. Steepster ate my review.

I’ve been steeping this grandpa style all day. Let me walk you through the progression: Honey, sweet black, apricot, plum, malt…. at this point of the day I added some actual honey and it was sweet honey black the rest of the afternoon.

This tea makes me honey obsessed. I’ve been looking up teas with ‘honey’ in the name with the search bar. Any recommendations?


Any leafhopper teas, but they won’t have honey in the name.


Hong Yun black from Butiki is totally honey, with some apricot. Love it!

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493 tasting notes

Free sample from Green Terrace – thank you.
Gongfu method
4g 100ml gaiwan 200F
Rinse/ 10/10/15/15/20/30 sec etc
Taiwanese teas are perfect for gongfu method. Lots of steeps, some flavors show up and disappear in next steep.
This tea is flavorful and malty. Apricots, plums, cherries and nuts detected. Some steeps I combined in one cup.
Thank you so much Green Terrace for letting me try this tea. It was fun.

0 min, 15 sec 4 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

I’ve been really impressed with the GTT teas that I’ve had so far. I’ll definitely be ordering from them in the somewhat near future.

Cameron B.

I think I have enough of mine left for a gong fu session. I’ll definitely jot down the parameters you used! :D Love this tea!


Made it last night, still keeps pumping;)
Go Cameron! Gongfu is the best for Chienese and Taiwanese teas.
Ppl think its time consuming, but you can combine steeps (I always try before combining) and to Timolino it goes

Cameron B.

boychik, I don’t mind as much about it being time-consuming because I’m at home all day. Muahaha! :D


I do my “pseudo gongfu” at my desk at work. I just have a small cup that I use with an infusion basket, and do it that way. I’m lazy, plus I don’t have a gaiwan at work, but this works really well for me.

Cameron B.

Cheri, I don’t have a gaiwan, so I use two small cups with lids. Sometimes I’ll use my brewing basket just as a sieve to make sure no tea bits get into my drinking cup. Works well enough! :D

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157 tasting notes

One of the samples sent to me by Green Terrace Teas!

Steep 1: 2min
Steep 2: 2min 15
Steep 3: 2min 45

Predominantly I’m getting thick, syrupy honey notes. They’re lovely and sweet without being cloying. There is a mild floral flavor in the background, along with some juicy, fruity tones in the foreground. Some people say peach, but to me, it’s apricot. I’m not quite sure how I make the distinction. There is an elusive winey/muscatel note that peeks out every now and then, but refuses to stick around. As soon as I notice it’s gone again! This tea is smooth, smooth, smooth. Like velvet. And creamy, too! Each sip finishes with notes of buttery, lightly toasted bread. Oats. Grain. Mostly fresh bread. Delicious…SO delicious. Butter, bread, and honey are the notes that linger behind after sipping.

The second steep is very similar to the first. Honey and pastry are at the fore, though a slightly floral element remains in the background. The fruit notes have smoothed out some—it seems that they’ve melded with the honey flavor. They’re not immediately evident. I have to look for them, and they’re a bit less tart. No muscatel here either. There is a distinctly caramel-like flavor that appears at the end of each sip. It’s coupled with a thick, creamy, ice-cream like taste. Vanilla custard! That’s it, or similar enough. Mmmm. It’s a little malty and it coats the tongue with sweetness. This cup was strong—much stronger than expected, given that the tea is so light. Well, let me clarify: the flavors found in the tea are light, but the texture and weight of the tea are not. It has me stymied but I LIKE it! I’m not usually a fan of “light” black teas, and the texture makes up for the “lightness” of flavor. These are flavors I find frequently in less oxidized teas.

In the third steep, the flavors mellowed and evened out a bit more. I still have intense honeymouth. It’s good, but not as layered or complex as previous infusions. (That or I’m just too tired to tell.) The leaves could probably be used at least once more. I wish I could continue, but it’s past my bedtime. (:

Marvelous, marvelous tea. I’m so glad I could try it!
I’m ordering this as soon as I get the chance.

Also: 100th TASTING NOTE!

Flavors: Apricot, Bread, Butter, Caramel, Creamy, Custard, Floral, Grain, Honey, Malt, Oats, Peach, Vanilla


Woohoooo Grats on 100 notes!


Congrats, and lovely review as always :-)


Sounds yummy! Congrats on 100!


Congrats on your 100th review!!


Congrats!! Also you made that tea seem so much more in my book :O I’ll have to try it.


Thanks so much! :D

@Ost, you must. If I order mine before yours I’ll send you a sample!

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