Cold Brew!
This was the only tea out of DT’s “Old Timey Treats” collection I was actually interested in trying, and I made a special trip out to the store after work last week just to pick up a sample of it because I was so damn curious.
It’s quite good! The banana is clearly a “Banana Candy”/“Bananas & Cream” sort of flavour and it’s super rich and sweet without being overwhelmingly sweet which was definitely my biggest concern about this blend given that it unfortunately has pre-added rock sugar. I’m not a fan of having my teas sweetened for me; but luckily it kind of works here. The cocoa is great too; I’m really happy to see the use of nibs over chocolate chips – maybe DT is finally listening to consumer feedback? And the green rooibos base is perfect too; it creates such a subtle backdrop and doesn’t really directly influence the flavour. More green rooibos please, DT!
Overall this is 100% banana split, like intended, so major brownie points for hitting the nail on the head with the flavor. I really enjoyed the cold brew, I can definitely see myself going through a lot of it if given the chance. And just imagine how great this would be as a latte! So creamy and delicious; am I right!?
Flavors: Candy, Cocoa, Cream, Vanilla