Cherry Snowcone

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Acerola Cherry, Apple, Currants, Elderberry, Hibiscus, Rose Hips, Sour Cherry, Sugar Crystals
Candy, Cherry, Sour, Tart, Hibiscus, Sweet, Fruity
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 15 sec 13 oz / 386 ml

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Carnival Collection

When summer really turns up the heat, there’s one cool treat we turn to. A bright red, tangy-sweet cherry snowcone. There’s just no better way to beat the heat. And this tart and fruity cherry-packed blend is our take on the summer classic. Try brewing it extra-strong, sweetening with agave and pouring it over cracked ice for the ultimate refreshing summer treat. A little splash of white rum certainly wouldn’t hurt either.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

65 Tasting Notes

672 tasting notes

Happy to receive a sample of this in my David’s order, as it’s one I’ve been curious about. Dry, this very chunky blend smells pleasantly of dried cherry (no surprise there), lemon, and I think that’s a whiff of rose? It steeps up a pretty pink. After mulling over this and the other David’s teas for days before finally placing my order, I guess I built up unrealistic expectations, because I was really expecting to taste the knockout-strong flavor of a cherry snowcone — whereas this tastes like a fairly ordinary cherry herbal, with a hint of those acerola vitamin C tablets I used to chew as a kid. Better than Celestial Seasonings cherry tea, but no revelation.
I guess I’m just going to have to suck it up, go downtown and line up with the small children at the snowcone stand to get my fix.

Flavors: Cherry

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1040 tasting notes

If you are going to make these into “tea-sicles” add some sugar – wow is this tart frozen….


(i want Teasicles)

Terri HarpLady

psssstttt….I want teasicles too!


(Terri…lets make some…with some beloved maple syrup…which makes me wonder…can you turn TerriCocoWhip into a frozen treat?)


Teasicles and cococreme sicles? Yes please


I would put the tea in the bottom of the mold and then top with TerriCocoWhip – you should end up with a fancy layered creamteasicle…. I don’t have Terri’s recipe but this sounds good to me….


That cream is the bomb! Lol, I keep posting it, Terri correct me if something is wrong in the way I write it :-)

Put two cans of regular coconut milk in the fridge to let the cream part set.
Spoon the cream out, keep the water for something else.

Mix the cream with a hand mixer until whipped
cream consistence. Add a little maple syrup if you want, or any other sweetener.



Oh, and the cans have to stay in the fridge for two days!!


I may have to make Creamy Teasicles now. I really for sure would if my Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha would get here


How bout NST and TerriCocoWhip TeaSicles?


Oh, man….you guys are making me want to make teasicles so badly now:P


TeaFairy is a bad influence


Hey, this one is on dexter, not on meeeee!!!


Oooooh this all sounds amazing!!!!! I gotta get one of those Popsicle molds


I have one of the instant ice pop makers, and if you want to make tea pops in one of those, you MUST add sugar and/or creamy things (yogurt, cream, coconut milk) in order for them to release. I had an oops.

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75 tasting notes

If you love the very rare and limited “Cherry Blossom” you’ll absolutely dig the caffeine free version of “Cherry Snowcone”. In dry mix form it also has that cuteness factor with the snow flake sprinkles. It has a very lovely fragrance and will appeal to those who enjoy a mild fruity tea with a flavorful twist.

It does well as a tea pop and the flavor is not lost while enjoyed as an iced tea. For those who still love their teas hot, it is very soothing to the senses. I can bet that this will be a tea that can branch over the seasons. Picture “Indian Summer” and you can probably get the idea. Cheers!

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652 tasting notes

Cold brewed the small quantity of this I bought recently…. Yum! Left it in the fridge for about a day.
I really find it tastes like a cherry snowcone. Granted, it’s not gritty with sugary sweetness but it’s like an unsweetened cherry snowcone. Which is fine by me, I prefer tart things to overly sweetened things.

I will buy more to use up this summer!

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513 tasting notes

I cold brewed a pitcher of this and was pleasantly surprised. It was a nice, light, tart cherry. It definitely reminded me of a cherry snow cone or popsicle. I think it is going to to be really refreshing on super hot days, but it is not a tea I am absolutely in love with and have to have available all the time. I am glad I have some to play with, but I don’t know that is needs to have a permanent home in my cupboard.

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16950 tasting notes

So I picked up 24g of this one with cold brewing it in mind, so out of the new carnival blends this is the first one I decided to try cold brewed. I had it sitting in the fridge all throughout my shift so when I got home after nine hours of being away I decided it was probably time to strain in.

As far as the colour goes, it was definitely bright cherry red and it looked promising, if not a little hibiscus strong. Overall I wouldn’t say this one was bad and I made it through the 25 oz. mason jar of it without much problem but I just felt like it was lacking in general. It was cherry, fairly distinctly, but it wasn’t really a bold cherry flavour like I would associate with a Cherry Snowcone, which is usually very sugary and sweet. Instead, it had a pretty light tartness to it (from the hibiscus, no doubt) and just kind of felt watered down.

I’m sure some sweetener would have made this one pop a bit more but I dislike adding sweetener to my teas and I would have preferred it if this one could stand out a bit more on its own without the aid of added ingredients. I do have enough left though for a hot cup and probably one more CB so I’ll do the hot cup first and then depending on how I feel about it I may continue doing hot cups or just do a CB with a longer steep time…

Final thought; it’s definitely weird seeing a summer blend with snowflake sprinkles in it, regardless of whether this is a “Snow Cone” or not.

Flavors: Cherry, Tart

Bear With Me

Is it medicinal tasting at all? A friend of mine got a sample of it with an order and she said it was quite medicinal tasting. Though she hot brewed I think, so that might have something to do with it.

Roswell Strange

I didn’t find it medicinal, thankfully.

Bear With Me

Awesome! Maybe she oversteeped it or something then. I’ll have to pick up a bit to test myself and see. It does seem intriguing (and I can’t help but feel tempted to turn it into tea popsicles to kind of emulate the snow cone ness of it)

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104 tasting notes

So this basically tastes like cherry kool aid if you add sweetener, and if you don’t, it’s like this delicious hibiscus-y-cherry-y awesomeness. I like it waaaay more than Indian Summer (the only other cherry DT I have) for an iced tea and this one makes great tea pop too.
Overall a really fun blend for summer. I’m going to be sure to stock up.

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162 tasting notes

Tea #3 of my “go to David’s twice in two days to try all of the new carnival teas” outings.

Cherry snowcone. Not my favourite flavour of snowcone. My favourite flavour of anything slushie-like is (obviously) “blue”. What that flavour exactly is I don’t think anyone knows. Sure, you can tell me it’s blue raspberry, but it’s not raspberry flavoured. Because I hate raspberry flavoured everything, except actual raspberries (yes, even raspberry pie…yuck. The seeds!!). Raspberry and lemonade, I think? Anyway, whatever it is, it’s good. But I digress.

If I had to choose favourite flavour #2, it would be cherry. So I wanted this to be good. I really did. Really, really did.

And it was! It was so good! In fact, it reminded me a lot of Indian Summer, that white tea with cherries and a bunch of other fall fruits (pumpkin, carrot, and a bunch of other stuff I don’t remember) in it. That tea was so good…I was sad when it was discontinued. But now I have this! And this is better. I don’t know how good it would be hot. It is called cherry SNOWCONE after all. Snow. Snow is cold. But I’m willing to try everything once. This tea is cherry, sour, pink, and sweet all at the same time. A big success.

Verdict: will buy at least once.

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6444 tasting notes

I meant to cold brew this for 4 hours but forgot and brewed it for 14 instead. I was petrified of this being hibby overload but honestly it just tastes like a cherry snowcone. Like cherries, it’s not overly sweet not overly sour but somewhere just in between. I am actually pretty impressed with this whole carnival line because they have been pretty spot on flavor wise. Although, at the end of the day, carnival food is meant to be sugary and artificial and over-the-top so that lends itself well to the David’s type tea.


That sounds fun, though.

Roswell Strange

I’m definitely excited to pick this one up for cold brewing; I don’t anticipate (but hey, I could be wrong) it being something I’ll love enough to stock up on but I think I’ll like it.


This just reminds me to pick up cherries when I make it to the grocery store hah.

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237 tasting notes

And the last of my carnival teas! The dry leaf smells exactly like a cherry slushie so I just had to make this iced. The end result really does taste like a cherry snowcone, minus all the sugar. I used 3 perfect tea spoonfuls and I think I could’ve added one more just to get that perfect flavour intensity. I love slushies but the mix of sweet and sour and cold really hurts my teeth, so this is extra awesome! The cherry is bold and the hibiscus gives it a nice tartness. Yum,

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