Well, I just got back from the dentist and let me tell you there’s quite a lot to be done. Right now everything is going through my Dad’s insurance which kind of concerns me – we don’t have the best relationship and he goes through mood swings of “Let me be there for you however I can, whether that’s financially or otherwise!” (like right now), and “This isn’t my responsability at all – I don’t care what happens at all”. Getting everything done is going to take a while, so heavy chance of some mood swings coming my way…
For example, when I called him to summarize what the dentist said he blew up at me for letting things get this bad (I haven’t been to the dentist in probably three years). But, it’s not like I’m 30 or 40 and chose not to go: I’m 18 and this is my first year living on my own – getting check ups during those three years should have been his or my mother’s responsibility, in my opinion.
But here’s the total for things they want to do/pointed out to me:
- Remove all four wisdom teeth
- About six cavities ranging in severity
- Two = borderline in need of root canal (First step is temp. fillings)
- Prescribed two different pain medications in the meantime
That sounds like an awfully big bill…
But anyway, since they didn’t do any actual work today it looks like I get to enjoy some tea and food today! All the Saskatoon Berry excitement from last night gave me some crazy cravings for that delightful berry, so I’m starting off the tea drinking tonight with some yummy Saskatoon Berry tea to ease some of my dentistry concerns!
1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 8 oz. of just under boiling water, steeped for four minutes. Dry, this is super Saskatoon Berry scented with a light maple syrup presence. Steeped up, the taste is sweet Saskatoon Berry puree with maple syrup and relatively strong notes of cranberries. It’s SO FREAKING GOOD.
I sort of get why it was discontinued though – Saskatoon Berries are definitely a very foreign fruit to some people (as evidenced by last night’s conversation) and also, apparently, are a bit of an acquired taste depending on your exposure to them. I grew up with them and, admittedly, it took me way too long to realize they were as well known as, say, a Strawberry.