Mulberry Magic

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Mulberry Leaves, Natural Flavours
Butter, Herbaceous, Nuts, Soap, Spinach, Nutty, Sweet, Umami, Vanilla, Green, Smooth, Creamy, Cookie, Seaweed, Kale, Vegetal, Vegetable Broth, Caramel, Coconut, Asparagus, Brown Sugar, Cake, Earth
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 oz / 341 ml

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174 Tasting Notes View all


Soothing and smoothing

People have been buzzing about mulberry leaves for all sorts of reasons lately, but we just can’t stop talking about how good they taste. Combined with macadamia nuts, they make for a tea that is sweet, complex, and slightly earthy. Do they really have tons of other benefits, as the health freaks claim? We’re too happy to care. Caffeine-free. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Mulberry leaf, organic macadamia nuts, natural flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

174 Tasting Notes

38 tasting notes

This came in the “Around the World” sampler pack that I bought at DAVIDsTEA. This is a pack of 12 teas that come in small tins, and are packaged in a small box with a card that lists the descriptions.

I thought it was really funny that for this tea, the description on the card starts off with the question: “Why is everybody talking about mulberry leaves?” I don’t know a single person talking about Mulberry leaves. Hahahaha.

Anyway, about the tea…

When I smell it, I get the sensation of a buttery peanut. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it, buttery peanuts do not necessarily smell refreshing, nor do they sound like something I would like to drink.

I was kind of thinking about buttery peanuts on my first sip, and I think it weirded me out a little. However, now that I have had several sips, I think this tea is delicious.

Like I mentioned above, I do not think it is a refreshing cup of tea, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For example: at the end of a long day, I might have a mint tea to unwind and relax. That is refreshing. At the start of a long day, I might have a strong black tea, which I wouldn’t consider refreshing either, but I still really really like black teas.

The aftertaste almost has a light buttery note and a light peanut note, which is interesting.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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250 tasting notes

I thought people were joking when they said that this tastes like cake batter or cupcakes. How can an infusion from funny-looking leaves + nuts taste like baking?

Then I took a sip of my mom’s to-go cup of this. And I had to eat my words.

It legit tastes like cake batter! How is this possible?? I don’t know and I don’t care, I’m just going to drink up.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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20 tasting notes

The fragrance and name of this tea are a bit misleading. The “Mulberry” refers to the leaves in the tea base. There is macadamia nuts in it that you couldn’t really smell.
When this tea is steeped it tastes like macadamia nuts, which I have only ever had in macadamia nut cookies. So this tea reminds me of drinking a cup of hot cookies! However it’s calorie and sugar free so I can have as much as I want.
The colour of this tea is gross! Full on, an unappetizing shade of swamp green. This deters me from drinking it out of my glass thermos and serving it to friends, but whateves…more for me.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Haha, this one is a bit weird, but I really like it! Satisfies cravings for me sometimes. But… it is definitely not the most pleasant colour! Kind of like Swampwater…

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230 tasting notes

While I could not smell the macadamia nuts, the fruity-sweet scent of the leaves was enough to encourage me to purchase this as my “to-go” tea today. I was tasty over ice and note worthy enough to want to purchase it at a later date.

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606 tasting notes

I got this one for Christmas from my dad! Yaaay dad!! It’s a good one!

He did a good job picking this one. It’s very yummy. I am transported back to my youth again, riding my bike with friends and picking mulberries around our neighbourhood and eating them. Absolutely delicious! I would get this one again without a doubt. Right now I have about 130g, so I’ll be more than good for a while, but yeah, it’s very good. Yummmy :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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64 tasting notes

I’ve had this tea a few times and I still am undecided about how I feel about it. It’s good when I drink it. but the flavourful is so different I never am in the mood for it.

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144 tasting notes

I’m gonna be honest with you MM, you know I love you but… I wish you tasted as good as you smelled. Yeah you taste great but you smell REALLY great. I just feel like you could do better. And sometimes there’s a little bit of bitter weirdness in the background when I take a sip of you. Hey, don’t look so sad. I would still gladly take a cup of you every morning. You know you’re the only mulberry tea for me.

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13 tasting notes

Hmmm. Brewed this nice and strong and tried it unadulterated. The SMELL is overwhelmingly like some kind of boiled vegetable, which, while not unpleasant, but hard to get past when I’m in mind of drinking tea. I love the buttery smoothness of it, but not sure I’m ready to get past the sheer vegetable flavour of it. I might try blending it with other teas, or with a hit of sweetener/milk to alter the flavour. I have maybe another cup or twos worth left, so will try again. It’s certainly edible, just not sure I would buy it again.

Edit: My second try was MUCH more successful. I believe the problem was the first time, that I used too much tea, and had had too much overly sweet/fruity things on my palette. It’s still very odd, but I am tasting the nuttiness now and am craving moooore.

Edit 2: OMG this is becoming one of my favorite teas. Sadly it’s really pricey for an herbal, $9 for 50g, especially since the flavour is only really strong on the first steeping.

8 min or more

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125 tasting notes

This one is really nutty and sweet. However I find I don’t enjoy it as much without sweetener, so it falls a little short for me since I am looking for an amazing evening tea that I can drink straight.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

i have a recommendation for you! cocomint creme, it’s part of the new winter collection.

Sweet Canadian

I am so excited for the winter collection! Thanks Teavangelical, I’ll try it tomorrow :)

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13 tasting notes

So I brought one of my best friends to the store today between classes (her first time), and ended up spending WAY to much money. But let’s look on the bright side: I’m completely stocked up and not allowing myself to walk into DavidsTea until, at least, March. Well, minus stopping in to say goodbye to the manager who is shifting stores out of the province. Sigh Shout out: Banff will think you’re awesome!!!
Now down to business. This tea is one of my absolute favourites, and completely tastes like a warm macadamia nut cookie. The leaves are so tightly wound that they unfurl into glorious flavour. MMMMMmmmm. I’m drinking it as a latte right now, but I love it both ways… the macadamia nut cookie taste is much stronger when you leave out the milk. But after busting my butt in class all day, I just want to relax with something cozy. Now on to studying for my midterm on Friday!

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