Pink Flamingo

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Eucalyptus, Hibiscus, Orange, Grapefruit, Citrus, Lemongrass, Sour, Tart, Berries, Lemon, Strawberry, Citrus Fruits, Citrus Zest, Citrusy, Fruity, Lime, Pleasantly Sour, Tangy, Grass, Hay, Floral, Lemon Zest, Orange Zest, Vegetal, Apple, Berry
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec 5 g 49 oz / 1459 ml

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214 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Very thirst quenching cold brew! In total, an 11 hour steep which yielded a delicious citrus grapefruit juice like drink with a refreshing kickback from all the eucalyptus (I’m reaching the end of...” Read full tasting note
  • “My overall opinion of this tisane hasn’t really changed since the first time I tried this. Sour citrus and eucalyptus just isn’t a taste I gravitate towards. I do kind of like the light orange...” Read full tasting note
  • “Eh, yuck. Last time I tried this, it was a cold-brew that was absolutely awful due to the hibiscus and oversteeping. So I tried a regular hot brew to taste both hot and chill this time. Sadly,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Given I have not been having the best time with hibiscus today (and yet keep making teas with it), I am surprised to actually enjoy this one. It’s quite tart, and I am enjoying that aspect of it...” Read full tasting note


Florida flashy
Ready for spring break? Try this sweet, citrusy cocktail of oranges, tangerines and lemongrass. It’s got hibiscus and beetroot to turn it a natural shade of hot pink, plus blackberry leaves for a sunny burst of Vitamin C, apple and carrot for extra sweetness, and eucalyptus leaves for kick. Sound irresistible? Try it iced. In a martini glass. With a splash each of cointreau and gin. And a paper umbrella. Caffeine-free.

Ingredients: Hibiscus blossoms, apple pieces, carrot flakes, blackberry leaves, eucalyptus leaves, lemongrass, beetroot pieces, freeze-dried tangerine/orange slices and artificial flavouring

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

214 Tasting Notes

125 tasting notes


I’m having one of those evenings… Fireplace is on, candles are lit, good book in hand… curled on the couch. Ahhhh… paradise!

I picked up this tea during my first and so far only visit to DT shop. I had an amazing experience there, staff was friendly, knowledgeable and accommodating. I got several samples and Pink Flamingo was one of them.

The dry tea smells lovely, the aroma definitely induced me to give it a try. I steeped it for 5 min over boiling water and the result was strong pinkish red tea with enticing citrus scent (I definitely pick up an orange peel). Taste wise it is quite tart but with an inkling of sweetness lingering at the back of the tongue. The hibiscus is definitely present but I also detect orange notes and something else I can’t put my finger on….

I would be interested to see what this is like iced… I suspect it would be lovely. I’ll take a note for possible reorder in the future…


We’re having a similar evening. Fire, candles, couch…yes please. Except tonight I’m having me some Breaking Bad episodes. What are you reading?


I usually have couple on the go… Earlier it was “The Well of Eternity” by Richard Knaak… Before bed I’ll be reading “One day in a life of Ivan Denisovich” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn… I love Breaking Bad… I got to season 3 and life interfered… lol Will have to pick it up again.


I just placed another Davids order and almost got that one! The hibiscus scared me tho! Lol!


lol yeah… hibiscus seems to be a scary ingredient to a lot of people… I find that I have to be in a mood for it, then I enjoy it quite a bit.. other days, I won’t go near it.


Sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn’t… Often it seems to make things waaaay to tart!

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62 tasting notes

This tea has such a nice purple colour to it. The first thing that popped into my head when I drank this was Starbucks passion tea. Im not sure why maybe the hibiscus and citrus in it. But if anyone likes the Starbucks passion tea you will probably like this.


Definitely going on my shopping list!


Its nit as strong as the starbucks one but still definitly worth trying


Not* not nit lol

Sweet Canadian

That’s exactly what I thought Cedes! I’m so happy I decided to switch it up and pour it over ice, I love starbucks passion tea lemondaes.

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525 tasting notes

I think I’m learning how to deal with hibiscus-y teas. Brew them weak and then chill. that’s what I did with this and heck, I think I’d do it again if I had any. It pretty much tastes like grapefruit. Very refreshing and citrusy and tasty. THis makes an excellent iced tea. Still, I prefer cold brewed oolongs and greens. I wouldn’t spend money on this tea, but I’m thankful for the sample. It’s actually the sort of tea that the husband would enjoy. I love that he pretty much likes what I don’t. :)


This is the BEST iced tea. I only just tried it a couple days ago for the first time and now I understand what the fuss is aboot.

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1473 tasting notes

It’s that time of year again! The time of year where spring has just started, but occasionally winter creeps in, so all the public buildings still have their heat on.

In other words, I have been melting at work. Melting. So I take breaks every chance I get to go wander the mall (which is considerably cooler than my office, somehow) and make my way over to Davids for an iced tea. This was my tea for Thursday. The girl who helped me strongly recommended Jolly Jellybean, so I switched, but then I got a whiff of this and knew it was what I needed. Yum yum yum. It was beautiful and refreshing, tart and almost like a grapefruit lemonade without the acid that sets off my acid reflux.

Wow, I just looked at my rating from the last time I had it. I’m gonna go ahead and bump that up….I think I’ve fallen for this tea.

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836 tasting notes

1.5 tbsp used for 375 ml

Hibiscus flavour overpowers the flavour just a little bit too much but there is a refreshing citrus flavour present which is complimented by the eucalyptus. There are definite sweet notes but they are mostly taken over by the tartness.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Sweet Canadian

It’s funny you didn’t love this one, it’s my fav iced tea. I love it with Gin and Tonic :)


I can’t really picture how citrus eucalyptus would taste but I’m intrigued


wow I haven’t had this one in ages! Miss your frequent posts around here :)

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516 tasting notes

Finally got to try this one! Very exciting, I know I hate the Hib but everyone seems to love this tea so I had to try it!
I got it made or me in the store and iced with a bit of agave.

mmmm it’s coool. Pink grapefruit for sure! I get the hibiscus flavour but it really works with and for this tea. I would have almost steeped it longer to be honest, it tasted a little watery. So when I buy this tea for the summer months, I will be generous with the leaf and not so generous with the steep time and I think it’ll come out just right.



I am so PROUD of you for being BRAVE in the face of Hibiscus fear! You did it! And it does work in some occasions with some mixes! I quite like this myself.

Daisy Chubb

Thanks Bonnie!!
It’s scary but oh so worth it with this tea :)
It’s always worth it to try in my opinion, because you never know! I can’t wait for summer now :D

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2238 tasting notes

So, this is a sample from Sil and my very first David’s Tea. I had a look at this on their website first, because I kind of like to know what I’m getting into, and this seems like a busy tea in terms of ingredients. I can see pretty much all of them in the dry mix – hibiscus and beetroot, blackberry and eucalyptus leaves, lemongrass, pieces of apple and carrot, orange and tangerine. I was trying to imagine what it was going to taste like, but I’m finding it hard to say at this stage. Orangey, maybe? My throat is hurting again, so this may not be the most insightful of tasting notes. It’s really just a hot drink I’m wanting at the moment, but I brought this one to work especially to try, and got all excited about it, so I’m not going to back down now!

The first thing I have to say about this is that it’s a really lovely colour. It’s hot pink rather than flamingo pink, but that’s almost as good! It smells nice, too. I can definitely detect orange and tangerine, and the eucalyptus, and I’m picking up something red fruity also. It seems kind of blackcurranty at the moment, but it might just be hibiscus.

It’s equally nice to taste, and pretty true to its scent. Orange and tangerine are, as I hoped, very much in the foreground. I can also taste the eucalyptus, but it’s not at all overpowering. I feared that it would be, but it just adds a nice menthol-like kick to the aftertaste. It’s not something I’d have ever thought of pairing with orange, but the combination is a pretty good one. It doesn’t taste overwhelmingly of hibiscus, either, which is another point in its favour. It’s there all right, in all its sour glory, but it stays firmly in the background and is actually pretty successful in that kind of supporting role. If hibiscus was always like that, I could maybe get to like it! I’m missing the apple, carrot and lemongrass, but that might be my tastebuds. I’m surprised I’m able to taste as much as I can at the moment, so everything’s a bonus. In any case, they’re not flavours I feel bereft without. If they were all there, this would be a pretty confusing tea, and, as it stands, I’m really enjoying it. I’ve not tried many orangey herbal teas, so this is a nice experience to have had, and a great first acquaintance with David’s Tea. I’m looking forward to trying some of the others in my stash now! Thanks again to Sil for sharing this with me!

Boiling 8 min or more

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119 tasting notes

Third sample from Bonnie

I brewed this and then put it in the freezer to cool (I figured it would be better cold, but I didn’t cold brew it). I added a little bit of stevia and some lemon juice to perk the flavor a little.

This is very good! Sweet and tart, and very juicy. This is more of a summer tea, but I am still enjoying it right now!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

I do like this hot, strong and xtra sweet…brings out that marmalaide grapefruity orange flavor. Cold…hum. How long did you steep it? It’s tart if you go past 6 minutes and I like it at about 5.


I steeped it for 6 minutes because I knew I wanted it cold. It wasn’t terribly tart and I LOVED that. I’ve had so much hot tea I was in the mood for something refreshing.


Good point…it was 63 degrees here in Colorado today…good cold tea weather!

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2816 tasting notes

Another ancient sample from David’s Tea – evidently it is cleaning up and purging ancient things time…

I was really dreading this after reading the description. Well, I do like lemongrass but with hibiscus and citrus I was anticipating a big tart mess… this probably would be a good iced tea and good with booze in it. It’s a bright pink fruity cup that has the hibiscus zingy kick. It’s pretty ok but that’s about all. Better than Teavana but I doubt I will ever come to love a hibiscus fruit blend tea.

It’s been ages since I’ve placed my last order and I have no idea why. Maybe the new spring tea collection will be coming out soon??

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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513 tasting notes

I have not received the spring teas in the mail, thus this was my taste of spring from my own cupboard. Lemongrass, citrus, this is always a winner in my world. I love how things are finally warming up and I am feeling more like spring teas again! I even have the urge to cold steep again!!

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