So, this is a sample from Sil and my very first David’s Tea. I had a look at this on their website first, because I kind of like to know what I’m getting into, and this seems like a busy tea in terms of ingredients. I can see pretty much all of them in the dry mix – hibiscus and beetroot, blackberry and eucalyptus leaves, lemongrass, pieces of apple and carrot, orange and tangerine. I was trying to imagine what it was going to taste like, but I’m finding it hard to say at this stage. Orangey, maybe? My throat is hurting again, so this may not be the most insightful of tasting notes. It’s really just a hot drink I’m wanting at the moment, but I brought this one to work especially to try, and got all excited about it, so I’m not going to back down now!
The first thing I have to say about this is that it’s a really lovely colour. It’s hot pink rather than flamingo pink, but that’s almost as good! It smells nice, too. I can definitely detect orange and tangerine, and the eucalyptus, and I’m picking up something red fruity also. It seems kind of blackcurranty at the moment, but it might just be hibiscus.
It’s equally nice to taste, and pretty true to its scent. Orange and tangerine are, as I hoped, very much in the foreground. I can also taste the eucalyptus, but it’s not at all overpowering. I feared that it would be, but it just adds a nice menthol-like kick to the aftertaste. It’s not something I’d have ever thought of pairing with orange, but the combination is a pretty good one. It doesn’t taste overwhelmingly of hibiscus, either, which is another point in its favour. It’s there all right, in all its sour glory, but it stays firmly in the background and is actually pretty successful in that kind of supporting role. If hibiscus was always like that, I could maybe get to like it! I’m missing the apple, carrot and lemongrass, but that might be my tastebuds. I’m surprised I’m able to taste as much as I can at the moment, so everything’s a bonus. In any case, they’re not flavours I feel bereft without. If they were all there, this would be a pretty confusing tea, and, as it stands, I’m really enjoying it. I’ve not tried many orangey herbal teas, so this is a nice experience to have had, and a great first acquaintance with David’s Tea. I’m looking forward to trying some of the others in my stash now! Thanks again to Sil for sharing this with me!
We’re having a similar evening. Fire, candles, couch…yes please. Except tonight I’m having me some Breaking Bad episodes. What are you reading?
I usually have couple on the go… Earlier it was “The Well of Eternity” by Richard Knaak… Before bed I’ll be reading “One day in a life of Ivan Denisovich” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn… I love Breaking Bad… I got to season 3 and life interfered… lol Will have to pick it up again.
I just placed another Davids order and almost got that one! The hibiscus scared me tho! Lol!
lol yeah… hibiscus seems to be a scary ingredient to a lot of people… I find that I have to be in a mood for it, then I enjoy it quite a bit.. other days, I won’t go near it.
Sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn’t… Often it seems to make things waaaay to tart!