Creamy Eggnog

Tea type
Green Tea
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Creamy, Eggnog, Vanilla, Butter, Green Beans, Coconut, Cream, Spices, Vegetal, Nutmeg
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Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 45 sec 1 g 10 oz / 300 ml

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  • “Last tea of the evening as I’m having a pretty rough day today. I was good for the most part until my other half came home and made me talk about why i was upset lol. Good on him of course (and...” Read full tasting note
  • “OH man oh man oh man. This is delicious. It smells rich and creamy and like vanilla. It tastes…. rich and creamy and like vanilla. Eggy vanilla (you know what I mean, yes?). The spices, however,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m thinking I received this in a swap from VariaTea, but I’m not 100% sure. It just says “Creamy Eggnog” typed on it, along with some steeping instructions. No company name, so I’m assuming this...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea of the afternoon here…. My package arrived from Butiki and I couldn’t want to try this! I haven’t had eggnog in ages. I steeped this according to instructions and it is better than I was...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Creamy Eggnog is part of our holiday series that encompasses a number of holidays from different religions. Many people might not think of eggnog as their number one choice for a Christmas flavor but Eggnog is particularly important in my family’s tradition of celebrating Christmas. Eggnog always marked the beginning of the Christmas season and was the last thing we would drink before we would try to go to sleep Christmas Eve. As a child, getting any sleep Christmas Eve would have been a miracle. There was always so much excitement and anticipation building. Creamy Eggnog pairs our buttery Organic Huangshan Mao Feng with a rich creamy eggnog flavor. The tea and flavor work well with each other and neither overshadows the other. This tea is sweet with a heavy cream and eggy quality. Add a little brown crystal sugar and the tea becomes extremely creamy, rich, and very much like eggnog. Some vanilla notes become pronounced and so do the egg notes. We added safflower for a touch of red for a festive Christmas colored tea.

Ingredients: Organic Chinese Tea, Safflower, Organic Natural Flavoring

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes
Recommended Amount: 2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F

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167 Tasting Notes

116 tasting notes

I have drank eggnog only a few times in my life. It’s not really part of the christmas traditions where I live but I remember liking it. This tea has the creamy mouthfeel and aftertaste I was expecting. It’s kind of sweet too. I like it a lot and it makes me want to try real eggnog again!

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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193 tasting notes

Drank up the last of the tea today. I enjoyed it more and more every cup I had. This last cup was definitely the best. So smooth and creamy and the flavour is awesome too. To me it is more nutty than eggnog, but I’m definitely not complaining. This is my favourite flavoured green right now and will definitely be ordering again.

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127 tasting notes

Had this one yesterday on the go and took notes while I was in class (pay attention!? Nah…not when I have tea tasting notes to write!).

When I saw that Butiki had an eggnog flavored tea I was so very excited. This year I seem to have developed an egg intolerance of some sort (just feel really sick to my stomach), which means goodbye fried egg sandwich’s, farewell scrambled eggs, and worst of all – so long Eggnog! This holiday season was a rough one, as we had eggnog in the house and I kept drinking it even though it made me feel sick. Anyway, when I found this (too bad it was AFTER the holidays, as this could’ve saved me a lot of discomfort!) I was thrilled! I swear, I heard the Hallelujah chorus and a beam of golden light shined down on my computer screen!

So, here it is, the solution to my eggnog problems. Verdict: I was not disappointed!

Dry, this smells just like rich creamy eggnog – a real treat to my nose! Once brewed it picks up a little of the vegetal green tea scent, but the eggnog/vanilla/creamy/sweet scent is still very much there.

The taste: The creaminess of this cup is amazing! It’s not cloying like real eggnog can be, which is a plus. The eggnog taste and the vanilla taste aren’t artificial, but seem quite natural (as natural as an eggnog taste can be). The blending of this flavor with the green tea base is also really well done, as it provides sweetness but also, through the vegetal notes, keeps the eggnog flavor in check. Very refreshing, yet at the same time nice and dessert-y.
As others have said, the spices are missing, but I don’t find myself too upset about it. I think this tea works very well in capturing the eggnog taste while keeping it unique. I think adding the spices to this tea would take away from all the great aspects I found.

Overall, I’m very pleased with this substitute. Is it real eggnog? No. Is it just as delicious? Yes, in its own wonderful way. Plus, it doesn’t make me feel sick, so that’s a big plus! =)
Big thanks to Stacy at Butiki for blending this up.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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105 tasting notes

This tea is very interesting. On my first attempt to drink it yesterday, I kept getting a very grassy taste. Could taste a hint of eggnog, but the taste of the green tea seemed to overpower it. On the second steep, the grassy taste diminished slightly . This morning, I used a lower temperature than recommended, as well as sweetened it slightly with honey, and it was delicious. The creamy eggnog flavor came through very well. Not sure what the problem was yesterday. Maybe my taste buds were just off.

165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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81 tasting notes

I got a small sample of this tea from the NYC meetup on Friday.
The small ziplock bag had the following instructions:

Creamy Eggnog
2tsp / 8oz water
Steep 4 min @180 F

I filled my tea ball and heated some hot water.
The green leaves expanded in the tea ball.
Red Safflowers accented the tea.

The tea has a nice aroma and flavor. Afterwards I opened the teaball and inspected the wet tea leaves, Overall, it was an interesting, unusual tea that was different from my normal routine.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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8 tasting notes

Ok. What? So I’m still very new to tea, this is still week 1 for me. I had NO idea tea could be as smooth as this. It goes down smooth as butter.

The tea smells like vanilla and tastes like eggnog, with a the green tea adding another dimension to the flavor. This is seriously great. If you like eggnog, try this tea.

Also, I tried a cup with a little bit of stevia (btw, is that like a sin or something?) and it brought out the vanilla a bit more. I think whether I add it or not will depend on my mood.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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106 tasting notes

Oh man this is so yummy. Thanks for this sample Stacy! I love creamy teas and this one is really good. Can’t really say anything new on top of all the other reviews. The base tea is perfect for this flavoring and I definitely wish I had more so I could try adding some nutmeg to it. Oh well I’ll just have to order a full amount. This time sadly was only a sample of this deliciousness….

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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42 tasting notes

What a lovely creation! Such a pleasant scent, creamy, delicate flavor, I’m really loving this one. I don’t think I have ever had a tea that smells like this before. Its really unique and a definite must try.

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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67 tasting notes

This has to be one of the more unique green teas I have had the pleasure of drinking. It has a nice smooth, creamy egg flavor that is brought out by the green tea base that lends a perfect buttery taste to the mix. This blend is very reminiscent of Milk Oolong but has depth and character all its own. I enjoyed this one without any sweetener or milk and it was simply fantastic. For those who are so inclined, I am sure adding a bit of sweetness or diary to the mix would only further enhance the flavor profile. Overall, a unique and tasty find!

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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183 tasting notes

My first Butiki tea! My order came today and it was hard to decide what to try first. I decided to smell a few, and this one smelled soooo good, I decided it was first in the pot. I don’t know how creamy can have a smell, but that’s what it smells like – creamy.

Interestingly, I don’t get much of a smell from the tea once steeped. Tasting it – there’s that creaminess again. I wouldn’t call it eggnog, exactly (it’s been years since I had eggnog, or even milk, though, so don’t trust my tastebuds), but it has a nice, light, creamy taste.

I actually tried adding some nutmeg to the second infusion as one of the other reviewers suggested. I think it was a mistake, as the nutmeg overwhelmed the other flavours. A touch of cane sugar helped to balance it out again, but I think I’ll leave this plain in the future.

A good start to my Butiki adventure. Only another 18 to try now…

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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