Mango Melange

Tea type
Fruit Tea
Not available
Artificial, Chemical, Fruity, Hibiscus, Perfume, Red Fruits, Strawberry, Tart, Mango, Sweet, Tropical
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 30 sec 23 g 34 oz / 1000 ml

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12 Tasting Notes View all

From Adagio Teas

Fresh mango pieces, apple, and hibiscus flowers come together for a tangy, fruity tropical blend. Deep, rosy red cup with a juicy texture and sweet, soft mango finish. Completely caffeine-free and no sugar or other sweeteners. Summertime calls…

Ingredients: Hibiscus, Rose Hips, Apple Pieces, Mango Pieces & Natural Mango Flavor

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

12 Tasting Notes

110 tasting notes

I bought a sample of this with my last Adagio order, because I really need to find a bedtime tea I like that is not mint. This just might be it, but it is so unlike anything I would call tea that it deserves its own genre.

Oh yeah – tisane. That’s the word.

This tea looks a lot like the dried fruit blend I buy for adding to my oatmeal. I see very little in here that looks like a leaf. When I add hot (not boiling) water, the smell seems familiar, rather like what you smell when you walk into a Yankee Candle store. Except that it is much less intense than the candle store, which is an all-out sensory assault on the nostrils. Still, it has that same undefined sweet rush of different fruity odors.

It’s hard to identify anything in the taste or smell that actually reminds me of mango, but it definitely has a very sweet, fruity taste. Somewhere lying underneath the fruitcake potpourri is the distinct taste of hibiscus. I happen to like hibiscus tea – a hangover from my hippie vegetarian herbalist days – but I’m glad it is not a strong presence in this tea. After getting home from a late choir practice, I’m not ready to be assaulted by what’s in my cup. Sweet, unsophisticated fruitiness feels rather soothing.

7 min, 0 sec

To me tisanes are herbal, this is just dried (and then soggy dried) fruit:) Might as well just steep trail mix. Ew… Ok, maybe not haha!

Cynthia Carter

Steeped trail mix would have soggy nuts in it. Eww. I don’t even like thinking about soggy nuts.

So, it’s not a tea, and it’s not a tisane. It’s really more like liquid fruitcake. Without soggy nuts.


Soggy nuts. [giggle]


I burst out laughing when I read “soggy nuts” and mom looked at me like I was nuts! LOL Yeah I tend to not like teas w/ nuts in them for that reason. Although Mayan Chocolate Chai has almonds in it, but I’ve never noticed them. But I think that’s because I resteep so much and scoop the leaves out w/ my hands when I dump them out from my ingenuiTEA. Pretty much anything gets gross and slimy after a while. Especially small green leaves. Nasty…

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828 tasting notes

I’m not sure there’s any mango in there… but there sure is hibiscus!! (just kidding… I saw mango, just can’t taste it…)

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4330 tasting notes

Cold steeped.

This tastes remarkably similar to their Wild Strawberry. In fact, it doesn’t really taste like mango at all. More generically fruity and tart, with a bit of that strawberry Jell-O thing going on. There is a hint of something slightly perfumey or chemical? Especially at the very end of the sip.

Not great, but drinkable. Certainly not mango.

Flavors: Artificial, Chemical, Fruity, Hibiscus, Perfume, Red Fruits, Strawberry, Tart

Iced 8 min or more 23 g 34 OZ / 1000 ML

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4334 tasting notes

An Ode to Tea challenge #2– M

A sample from SkySamurai!  Thank you!  I had hopes for this one, but nah.  It’s mostly apple chunks and hibiscus.  The hibiscus isn’t too strong but it really just tastes like mildly tart hibiscus/apple water.  Not much here that says “mango”.  And to me, mango has nothing to do with hibiscus and would be ruined if it did.   Mango is sweet, syrupy, starchy and hibiscus would ruin all of that.  At least the hibiscus isn’t too strong, but this is boring.  Glad to have tried it, don’t need to have it again. 
Steep #1 // 25 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled //  4 min
2021 sipdowns: 98

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50 tasting notes

Thank you AJRimmer for the sample!
I have never had any adagios teas before so I was excited to try one. It has a strong fruity flavor, but not a typical berry or citrus. It really doesn’t have a strong mango flavor either but I do get some mango. There is some other flavor that is stronger than the mango I just can’t figure it out. I am enjoying how sweet it is, but could probably not have more than one cup in a sitting with the level of fruity sweetness. I will enjoy the rest of the sample nonetheless and maybe try it as an iced tea next.

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2581 tasting notes

The flavor definitely isn’t mango. It’s just kind of tart and strange. I’ll manage to finish what I have, but I don’t want this one again. Adagio has a few good fruit options, but many are sour and weird like this one.

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190 tasting notes

This is everything I wanted out of a mango tea. It’s herbal, juicy, smells and tastes like fresh fruit, and not like flavoring. I’ve been drinking it iced, but either way is great. Love using it as an element in minty, green, iced blends. Caffeine-free! So far, this has long been my most favorite mango tea around and the best iced mango of the summer.

Flavors: Fruity, Mango, Sweet, Tropical

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630 tasting notes

I enjoy this one very much (iced particularly), though it is slightly more bland than the berry herbals. I prefer being hit in the face a bit more with these, as I only drink them when I am looking for a healthier, less sweet, juice replacement.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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11 tasting notes

One word: hibiscus.

Okay… a few more words: Even the liquor looks like hibiscus (red). I taste no mango. VERY tart. I might like it some other time, but tonight I was looking for a nice smooth mango flavor.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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8 tasting notes

I have spent a great deal of time searching for the perfect caffeine-free mango tea. This was not it. It was quite sour and left a very bitter aftertaste. I’m glad I only purchased the sample size.

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