You couldn’t possibly dislike this blend (unless you didn’t like coconut). It has all the makings of the perfect dessert tea.
The black base is so smooth and rich. I find it malty, creamy, hints of nuts and butter. It resteeps very well also.
The coconut is super creamy and nutty, no soapy gross flavours at all. I think it might be toasted, because the nutty flavour in this blend must be coming from the coconut or black tea.
Strong sweet maple flavour, not artificial at all, but the perfect strength. As a Canadian, I can certify this maple flavour is delicious and realistic. It also goes very well with all the tasty spices (cinnamon?, very light on the cardamom, I actually would have liked more cardamom, but I think my teaspoon of looseleaf had no cardamom pod in it). The nutty flavour tastes like toasted almonds and toasted walnuts. Maybe I’m imagining the nuts because I associate maple flavoured things with maple walnut icecream, but either way, this blend has it all.
Flavors: Almond, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Coconut, Cream, Creamy, Honey, Milk, Nuts, Nutty, Pastries, Spices, Sweet, Tannin, Toasty, Vanilla, Walnut