I’m craving more of my Mighty Leaf Pride of the Port with milk… but alas, I am at work, so this inexpensive bagged EG will have to hold me over for now. I have a cup of black tea, like, every two hours while I’m at work. My mug has become a security blanket of sorts.
The base of this one is very low-quality— not surprising. I like my EGs with a smooth, non-astringent, Chinese black base, and I’m 90% sure this one is just a run- of- the- mill Ceylon orange pekoe.
Bagged EG tastes very different than loose EG. I actually usually prefer the way that bagged EGs taste because I think they use stronger concentrations of bergamot oil in the bagged stuff, and I like the bergamot to be strong. Loose EG is much more delicate and has a more subtle, woody, sour-bitey flavor, at least in my experience.
Weirdly, this cheap bagged EG tastes very close to what Twinings [loose] EG tastes like— notes of sour cherry and lemon, and less bergamot-y and perfume— but it’s much weaker than Twinings. Like a faint echo of it.
Flavors: Cherry, Lemon