Scooped this up at Shaw’s because I wanted an herbal dessert tea.

This’ll do! It’s packed with flavor. Cinnamon, butterscotch, vanilla, non-cloying sweetness, ginger, chicory… Ooooooo, this is tasty! The hazelnut turns up in the aftertaste as a creamy, nutty note.

Every so often, Yogi gets it right. I think that’s why I keep buying their stuff.

9/10, would recommend.

Flavors: Butterscotch, Cinnamon, Creamy, Ginger, Hazelnut, Nutty, Sweet, Vanilla

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Favorite tea types: Black, pu’erh, oolong, kombucha, genmaicha, floral greens, matcha, yaupon, mate, rooibos, and honeybush.

Favorite flavor notes: Roasted, fermented, earthy, floral, nutty, bread-y, umami; dessert-inspired flavors like chocolate, vanilla, and maple.

Picky about, but not opposed to: chai, spice/ spicy, fruit flavors, and herbal tisanes.

Flat-out dislike: White tea, most unflavored green teas, hibiscus, plain peppermint.

90-100: Perfection and heaven and magic, all in one cup.

70-89: Good.

50-69: Meh.

49 and below: Blerg.


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