To be fair to this tea, I should mention that due to my cold, I believe my taste buds aren’t at their best right now. I steeped myself a mug full of this in the hopes that it might make me feel better. I think that my cold is unstoppable at this point and the virus is just going to have to run its course. It’s still doing a good job of keeping my throat moist, thus keeping it pain-free. Once it gets dry, that’s when it starts to get sore again. I started feeling better yesterday but today I’m worse. Frustrating! I hate being sick! This tea isn’t making my cold any better at this point but as I mentioned, I don’t think much will. All I can taste is lemongrass and peppermint. I get the green base as well and I’m happy to say that it doesn’t turn bitter when it’s oversteeped. It’s pleasant tasting and any fluids that I can take in at this point will be a bonus for my body. Lots of fluids and lots of rest. Looks like my cold is stubborn and wants to stick around for awhile so I’ll be drinking as much of this tea as I can, along with some other similar ones I have. Hopefully this time next week, this cold will be nothing but an unpleasant memory.
Flavors: Green, Lemongrass, Peppermint