I got a big ol pouch of blooming teas from StarFevre a while back (thank you!) and this one just happened to be labeled Christmas Tree. So I went with it today! I was having the problem with this one that I usually have with blooming teas, and please note yet again, this is ancient though really well packaged. The flavor to me on these blooming teas are just really vegetal to the point of reminding me of seaweed. Or this could be because so much leaf is used to make one of these decorative teas. They usually look nice anyway. This one is three tiered, I guess lending to the general shape of a tree. Though this one hardly unraveled in the first steep, the flavor mellowed in the second steep and third. These blooming teas are tricky — you need hot enough water for them to unravel, but too hot and the tea gets bitter. The second steep worked though! These teas are definitely better for their visual appeal than any flavor.
Steep #1 // 35 minutes after boiling // 2-3 minute steep
Steep #2 // 29 min after boiling // 2-3 min
Steep #3 // 20 min after boiling // 2-3 min
Holiday Tea 2022 # 34: Teavivre – Blooming Christmas Tree
Holiday Tea 2022 # 35: Angry Tea Room – Bourbon Eggnog